This dogmatic veneration of free speech, for those who would deny both that and other freedoms, was the reason I resigned as senior moderator at Peak
.. that's why I gave up being active at .. there are SO many unthinking anti-semites and other weirdos there ... and nobody tells them where to get off ....
However discussion of the very real threats posed by radical Islam ... and possibly even moderate Islam ... is in my opinion NOT racism.
People discuss the threats posed by say radical animal liberation activists and are not chastised ... so I'm not sure why discussion of even worse threats is regarded as racism.
I've seen a lot of anti-racist huffing & puffing here in the last few days ... but has anyone here actually posted anything truly racist? I'm not sure that I have seen any BNP type rants here!
Pippa wrote:When I came down to London for the Climate Change rally I hoped to meet as many PS folks as possible. Sorry to name names but I was really dissapointed not to meet Tess (who had said she would be there but had in fact left earlier in the day)
Sorry I wasn't there all day - would have loved to have been but I had a final MBA exam in a couple of days and was feeling really guilty about not being at home revising. However, if I'd known how many PS people were making a special trip to be there I might have hung on for a couple of hours...
ps I'm not able to post much right now as I dont have internet on the boat yet. Previous owners didn't cancel their ADSL account and it's taking weeks to prove I own the line and cancel it for them.
pps On PowerSwitch there are often diametrically opposite views coming together under a common view on oil depletion. It's not surprising if we occasionally discover how much we disagree. Best approach in the face of disagreement (even disagreement coming from what we might think to be wicked intolerant or selfish views) I think is to revisit one's pet solutions and consider how successful they might be in a world where the predominant culture of the next village along might be antagonistic to everything we hold dear. If our pet solutions couldn't cope with that circumstance, we might want to expand our wisdom a little. So take angry disagreement as an opportunity to refine your plans and coping mechanisms. People with what we consider to be abhorrent views are doing us a favour by showing us what we'll have to cope with.
Glad I missed all the aggravation! Maybe collective thoughts will turn back to allotments et al when spring approaches in the Northern Hemisphere (down under its harvest time and I've had my first foray into bottling apricots).
Aurora/Omega3: Just thought I'd comment that a lack of reaction to inflammatory posts is not a sign of silent assent but is usually the best way to get trolls to go away. Putting fuel on the fire just leads to flame wars!
what inflammatory posts ?
What I think happened is that the two posters complaining were not able to put their case by debate , and felt in someway let down .
when you are unable to defend with reason what you say I suppose people can blame other posters for not coming in with a better argument for their point of view .