Peter Lavelle: A Question of Legitimacy and Insurrection
Peter Lavelle wrote: Indeed the polls are tightening and this presidential race is peculiar to say the least. But the insurrection element of the election cycle remains in play. Millions of voters feel cheated, alienated, and disenfranchised. The political system does not work for them – remember millions of them are out of work or have subsistence employment.
Trump is a complex and even tragic figure. But he does feel the pulse of the nation. He and his backers feel the legitimate rage experienced all across the country. The same rage that has made Bill, Hillary, and their selfish cronies fabulously rich and powerful. As such, many deem some form of insurrection now legitimate, even necessary.
There is a crisis of legitimacy in American politics. If Trump is elected the status quo elites will attempt to undermine his elected right to rule. If Clinton is elected, the entire issue of rule of law and equal treatment under the law will be disputed. In the end everyone loses – the American people and the world. Though I have no doubt the meme of insurrection will continue unabated.