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Post by emordnilap »

Bill Nye challenges a meteorologist!

He starts off with a great line:
"...an unusual publication called The Patriot Post..."
Bill, you're too kind.
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Post by RenewableCandy »

I've been nattering to Sid at the allotments. Recall, I missed a lot of last year owing to temporary death, which makes allotment work problematic :)

So I had no idea that last year's 'growing season' stretched an astonishing THREE MONTHS.

Yes, last frost mid-June, first frost mid-September (we're 55 degN, for the pedantic).

'Twould appear that the hotter everywhere else gets, the Colder it is here in Yorkshire.

Does anyone know if the Gulf Stream is packing up?
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Post by adam2 »

"hottest ever day" in India, 51 degrees, the highest since records began.
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Post by vtsnowedin »

RenewableCandy wrote:I've been nattering to Sid at the allotments. Recall, I missed a lot of last year owing to temporary death, which makes allotment work problematic :)

So I had no idea that last year's 'growing season' stretched an astonishing THREE MONTHS.

Yes, last frost mid-June, first frost mid-September (we're 55 degN, for the pedantic).

'Twould appear that the hotter everywhere else gets, the Colder it is here in Yorkshire.

Does anyone know if the Gulf Stream is packing up?
well belated congratulations on keeping that "death" just temporary!!Otherwise your allotment mates would be adding you to the compost pile now.
Yah losing that extra two weeks between Memorial day and mid June had to set back a lot of gardens. Nothing unusual about first frost on Sept. 15th where I am. you get used to it and plan accordingly.
I'm not in the "The Gulf stream is going to shut down" camp. A solar powered thermosyphon should speed up if more energy is added not slow down.
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Post by emordnilap »

Biff posted a link to a temperature anomaly map last year which showed how virtually the entire world was experiencing temperatures higher than long-term average.

We know about this. It's called global warming.

One notable exception on that map was the north Atlantic, which showed a lower than average temperature. So there you go, Candy.
I experience pleasure and pains, and pursue goals in service of them, so I cannot reasonably deny the right of other sentient agents to do the same - Steven Pinker

Post by Automaton »

RT says it's hot out...

Global temperatures set 14th consecutive monthly record

https://www.rt.com/news/352196-global-h ... re-record/
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Post by kenneal - lagger »

vtsnowedin wrote:...
I'm not in the "The Gulf stream is going to shut down" camp. A solar powered thermosyphon should speed up if more energy is added not slow down.
The thermosyphon is added to/subtracted from by the amount of fresh meltwater that gets into the system at various points. There is concern that the fresh meltwater coming from Greenland and the Arctic is slowing the system considerably.
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Post by kenneal - lagger »

Automaton wrote:RT says it's hot out...

Global temperatures set 14th consecutive monthly record

https://www.rt.com/news/352196-global-h ... re-record/
I wonder how much of this warmth is a 1998 type spike due to the recent El Nino. Will next year be a bit cooler and get all the sceptics saying warming is a myth again?
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July 2016 hottest month ever recorded on Earth

Post by Automaton »

July 2016 hottest month ever recorded on Earth :

http://www.rt.com/news/356092-july-reco ... est-month/

(with a rather nice graph near the top of the page)
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Post by adam2 »

It is IMHO very likely that the present warm weather IS a 1998 type spike and that next year will be cooler.

However these warmer/cooler cycles are superimposed on a longer term warming trend, that appears to be accelerating.

A good guide to longer term trends is the retreat of glaciers. A glacier has enormous thermal mass and the odd few years that are warmer or cooler than the norm have little effect.
The longer term warming trend is apparent when comparing the present and past extent of glaciers.

Some climate and temperature data is complex and open to differing interpretations, but the retreat of a glacier can be seen by anyone.

The degree of snow cover on mountains is a good indicator of temperature and is easily and cheaply recorded with simple photographs.
Snow cover varies a lot from one year to another and a simple comparison of one year to another is not that useful.
Longer term trends are more indicative, for example by comparing average snow cover for the years 2000 till 2015 with the average for 1900 till 1915.
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Re: July 2016 hottest month ever recorded on Earth

Post by emordnilap »

Automaton wrote:July 2016 hottest month ever recorded on Earth :

http://www.rt.com/news/356092-july-reco ... est-month/

(with a rather nice graph near the top of the page)
Seriously laughable comments section.
Drago667 wrote:The measured USHCN daily temperature data shows a decline in US temperatures since the 1930s. But before they release it to the public, they put it thorough a series of adjustments which change it from a cooling trend to a warming trend.
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Post by adam2 »

And we have just had the hottest June day for decades, in the UK.
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Post by kenneal - lagger »

kenneal - lagger wrote:
Automaton wrote:RT says it's hot out...

Global temperatures set 14th consecutive monthly record

https://www.rt.com/news/352196-global-h ... re-record/
I wonder how much of this warmth is a 1998 type spike due to the recent El Nino. Will next year be a bit cooler and get all the sceptics saying warming is a myth again?
We don't seem to be having the post El Nino drop in temperatures that we did in '98.
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Post by emordnilap »

The oil price and the temperature seem inversely related. :cry:
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Post by adam2 »

emordnilap wrote:The oil price and the temperature seem inversely related. :cry:
Coincidence I suspect. Very cold weather can drive up the price due to increased heating oil demand, but I see no lesser heating demand at 30 degrees than at 20 degrees, neither should require heating.

If anything hot weather should increase demand due to the driving season in the USA and greater air travel.
"Installers and owners of emergency diesels must assume that they will have to run for a week or more"
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