Anectdotals. Does not describe the reality across the sector as a whole. But you may have a point here - the UK has guns and bombs, armoured vehicles, tanks, helicopters, jet planes and ships - and will sell them to any bugger. Invest in the perpetual war portfolio.
Hourly labour costs
In 2004, the total hourly labour costs in the German private sector extended only slightly above the EU15 average and were lower than in most northern and western EU Member States. This can be attributed to the relatively low level of hourly labour costs in the services sector.
Yet you dont mention , Automotive, Aviation, chemicals, steel, clothing/footwear, food, paper, plastics, drugs , electronics, textiles, and shipbuilding....
German employers paid their employees, on average, ?26.22 per hour worked in manufacturing. In Denmark, Sweden, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, the Netherlands and Finland, total hourly labour costs were higher than in Germany, ranging from ?26.80 to ?30.70 per hour worked. However, labour costs were slightly lower in Austria and the United Kingdom (UK), amounting to ?25.30 and ?24.70 respectively per hour worked.
24.7 Euros / 1.5 = ?16.47 per hour. The minimum wage is ?5.35 per hour.
Indeed , this study showed wages were lower in the service sector at 24.5 euros per hour! (see table in attached study)