Horrific solution to feeding too many people

How will oil depletion affect the way we live? What will the economic impact be? How will agriculture change? Will we thrive or merely survive?

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Post by emordnilap »

biffvernon wrote:According to an article in today's New Scientist one biome (gut bacteria) are affected by some 67 so far identified things including one's preference for dark or milk chocolate. I extrapolate unwarrantedly from the research to say that dark chocolate is what my bugs prefer and I'm happy to oblige them.
I was 12 years old and my elder sister brought home some dark (no dairy) chocolate and I tried some. I was really annoyed that no-one had ever told me about it in my (to me at that age) long life. What a revelation it was.

I've not eaten dairy chocolate ever since then (knowingly, that is). I had some 99% recently and thoroughly enjoyed it. The only chocolate I'll eat nowadays is gritty raw stuff, made just down the road from me: and it means I don't have to share it.
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Post by woodburner »

How high will the numbers get before catastrophe?

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Post by vtsnowedin »

woodburner wrote:How high will the numbers get before catastrophe?

That depends on whither they elect Trump or Hillary. But either way sometime before they hit eight billion.
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