preparedness - lighting

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Post by biffvernon »

I have (at last as she who has to be obeyed said when she was eventually obeyed) just installed solar powered LED PIR outdoor lighting. Wow, they're bright! £16 from B&Q.
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Post by clv101 »

I'm experimenting with LED grow lights this year, trying to give my chillies the best chance when they come out of the heated propagator. In theory LEDs should be a good option for grow lights as the frequencies of light they produce can be tailored to the those photosynthetically active without wasting energy on green frequencies for example. They are also highly directional so can be better targeted than conventional bulbs.
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Post by PowerswitchClive »

I would highly recommend these - http://www.DODGY TAX ... 0044QNW988

I won't personally have candles or paraffin lamps anywhere near my house.
We have around 6 of the above for emergency lights, a stock of duracell batteries, rechargable cells and the means to charge them via a two 40watt solar panels.

And these - I bought the decathlon versions http://www.DODGY TAX ... g+led+bulb

I generally accept that rolling powercuts or brown outs may be in the future, but a future where there is no mains power for months+ means we are generally sunk!
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Post by adam2 »

PowerswitchClive wrote:I would highly recommend these - http://www.DODGY TAX ... B004QNW988

- - - - - -
They may indeed be impressive, but the specifications must be exaggerated considerably.
Claimed to be 4 watts and to run on high output for 72 hours from three D cells.
3 D cells in series will be about 3.6 volts on load.
4 watts at 3.6 volts is about 1.1 amps.
D cells cant supply 1.1 amps for more than a few hours, the exact time would vary according to type of cell used but nothing near 72 hours.
"Installers and owners of emergency diesels must assume that they will have to run for a week or more"
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