What can we do to change the minds of decision makers and people in general to actually do something about preparing for the forthcoming economic/energy crises (the ones after this one!)?
It's extreme when you pay £500,000 for a one bedroom flat...
It's extreme when people buy investments guaranteed to lose them money.
It's extreme when savers are asked to bailout banks... It's extreme when normal ways of making and saving money — hard work and thrift — are not rewarded. They're punished.
In extreme markets, you have to speculate to win. Extreme markets reward borrowing, leverage, and gambling. In fact, they demand it.
kenneal - lagger wrote:Moneyweek are concerned that the government and *ankers are preparing to take our money. They are predicting that the negative interest rates now appearing throughout Europe and in other places presage the confiscation of savings, as happened in Cyprus, to prop up the ailing banking system.
They are awaiting the soon to come day the cash machines run dry.
Wha'? Their job, their self-appointed task, is to take our money. And 'preparing'?!! Moneyweek, please keep up.
I experience pleasure and pains, and pursue goals in service of them, so I cannot reasonably deny the right of other sentient agents to do the same - Steven Pinker