Tarrel wrote:peaceful_life wrote:Tarrel wrote:
I've given up trying to answer that one. Now just pursuing a life-strategy around trying to need as little of it as possible (whatever "it" is!)
Based on the irony that you've now
afforded yourself the head-space to feel so indifferent to
it, temporarily.
Breath brother....and think a while, people and planet are suffering for this shit.
Did you test the nitrogen levels from the gorse decomposition btw?
Not feeling indifferent to money; more threatened by it. The more often I hear the words "billions" and "trillions" in the news, and the more I read about debt levels, the less stable I feel our monetary system is and the less I want to be part of it. Granted, money has enabled me to purchase some hard assets which are now giving me the freedom to be less money-dependent, but it's no free lunch. Personal time and labour now go into
producing stuff to use rather than earning money to
buy stuff to use.
How'd you know about our gorse? Did I mention it previously?
Granted, it never was, nor will be, stable, not for s long as it accumulates itself via interest and is based on a growth metric of consumption.
Money, just like everything else within our biosphere, must degrade and hold some correlation of entropy to what ever it is we're trading and end this idiotic notion that
it, an idea, can somehow refute and usurp the laws of physics. All that has caused enough untold damage, now we need metrics based on repair. It saddens me greatly, but here we are..all 7+ billion of us wrapped up and ensconced in it, it needs sorted.
Yep, we spoke about utilising the gorse as a tree nursery, it's true niche, and releasing it's nitrogen. I guess you know you can eat the flowers too.