f***ing Newsnight!!

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Little John

f***ing Newsnight!!

Post by Little John »

Just been watching Newsnght on the BBC on the eve of a general election and been witness to the most disgraceful unambiguous anti-labour bias. A complete f***ing hatchet job. I say that whilst having little more love for Labour than I do the conservatives

F--k me....
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Post by UndercoverElephant »

I watched that program almost religiously for a very long time. I stopped watching it after they ran a story about Julian Assange being a rapist fugitive from justice.
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Re: ******* Newsnight!!

Post by vtsnowedin »

Little John wrote:Just been watching Newsnght on the BBC on the eve of a general election and been witness to the most disgraceful unambiguous anti-labour bias. A complete ******* hatchet job. I say that whilst having little more love for Labour than I do the conservatives

**** me....
I would be surprised if you were truly surprised by the bias in the media. The question becomes which way to vote given all the information you have in hand filtered by the quality of each information bit as best you can sort it out.
In other words, who is telling you the truth and who is feeding you a line of tripe?
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Post by UndercoverElephant »

The BBC is feeding us a line of tripe. Which is of no small importance, given its status as the most trusted public service broadcaster in the world.

The closest thing to the truth, at least about everything not concerning Russian interests, is Russia Today. Do you get that channel in the US?
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Re: ******* Newsnight!!

Post by emordnilap »

vtsnowedin wrote:who is feeding you a line of tripe?
Anyone in any government, ever.
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