alternative to radio 4?

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Post by 3rdRock »

+1. Respberry-Blower has been busy. Where on earth did you find all of those sites? :)
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Post by emordnilap »

Anissa Naouai replies to John Kerry's empty-headed grandstanding.
“So RT's open and modest budget of $220 million isn't the real problem for the American government,” Anissa says. “This is the problem: YOU. Our audience. They see through the propaganda.”
“People both in America and abroad need and want to hear about the trillions spent on Iraq and Afghanistan, about made-up dictators, traitors, and axes of evil. About the civilians killed with US drones and soldiers forgotten. Wars started again and again to uphold a military industrial complex - all to keep a grip on global power.”

"Money can't buy all the airwaves and RT is not the enemy," Anissa states.
I experience pleasure and pains, and pursue goals in service of them, so I cannot reasonably deny the right of other sentient agents to do the same - Steven Pinker

Post by 3rdRock »

emordnilap wrote:Anissa Naouai replies to John Kerry's empty-headed grandstanding.
“So RT's open and modest budget of $220 million isn't the real problem for the American government,” Anissa says. “This is the problem: YOU. Our audience. They see through the propaganda.”
“People both in America and abroad need and want to hear about the trillions spent on Iraq and Afghanistan, about made-up dictators, traitors, and axes of evil. About the civilians killed with US drones and soldiers forgotten. Wars started again and again to uphold a military industrial complex - all to keep a grip on global power.”

"Money can't buy all the airwaves and RT is not the enemy," Anissa states.
Doesn't hang back, does she? I wonder if she'd like to join me for a drink? :wink: :D
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Post by raspberry-blower »

3rdRock wrote:+1. Respberry-Blower has been busy. Where on earth did you find all of those sites? :)
One thing leads after another. I have found links to various sites through some of the comment sections although there is also an awful lot of trash out there as well.

Some good sites added by Fuzzy

Back to the original topic: Radio 4 in four minutes by Jake Yapp :D
A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools - Douglas Adams.
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