Choose: your sell phone or sex.!!

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Choose: your sell phone or sex.!!

Post by vtsnowedin »

Ok you have to give up something for a whole year. Your choices are to turn in your cell phone and not use any other or abstain from sex for the allotted time. Which do you choose?.
Apparently this survey was done in several countries and the phones are doing surprisingly well in the USA and Europe but not so much in Brazil. ... ung-mobile
Little John

Post by Little John »


The cell phone would have to go

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Post by vtsnowedin »

Be a bummer if you gave up your phone and your partner kept theirs. :(
Little John

Post by Little John »

I've just read that article. Firstly, their claim that the cell phone "won" is not true. Although a largish minority went for the cell phone, it was still a minority. Also, the largish minority largely consisted of women. Secondly, the vast majority of the respondents were married. Married people, especially long time married people, are not going to be as bothered about regular sex as single people. Or, to put it another way, are already psychologically adjusted to prolonged periods without regular sex!
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Post by RenewableCandy »

Well I'd ditch the fecking phone innit :D !!
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Post by Lurkalot »

Having once being cut off by vodaphone for not using my mobile for eighteen months I'll let people guess my answer.
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Post by vtsnowedin »

I don't know as I linked the best story on that. I saw it on TV yesterday and they said phones won in America and Germany by 55%. But sex won in Brazil. When I searched for it on line several stories popped up so it's a regular subject with more then one source.

Longtime married people get their sex once a month whether they need it or not. :wink:
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Post by emordnilap »

I have no mobile phone, so I'll have twice the sex please.
I experience pleasure and pains, and pursue goals in service of them, so I cannot reasonably deny the right of other sentient agents to do the same - Steven Pinker
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