Just to give you a taste of what too much money does to you, have a read through this.
It highlights such nuggets as:
At ALEC's most recent meeting in Dallas, Heartland Institute President Joseph Bast led a workshop featuring a presentation arguing that:
"The International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) "is not a credible source of science or economics."
"The likely benefits of man-made global warming exceed the likely costs."
Listening to that Bast's presentation or having root canal treatment...hmmm, root canal, please, nom nom.
Many ALEC corporate funders come from the fossil fuel industry including ExxonMobil, Shell, BP, Chevron, TransCanada, and Peabody Energy. In fact, one-third of conference sponsors at the recent ALEC annual meeting in Dallas were energy related companies, trade associations or front groups.
Google and the other companies jumping ship from ALEC show clearly that its
no longer acceptable for mainstream companies to align themselves with climate change denial.
I experience pleasure and pains, and pursue goals in service of them, so I cannot reasonably deny the right of other sentient agents to do the same - Steven Pinker
I experience pleasure and pains, and pursue goals in service of them, so I cannot reasonably deny the right of other sentient agents to do the same - Steven Pinker
UKIP MEP and energy spokesman Roger Helmer poses with
Maritsa Noon, chief executive of the pro-fossil fuel,
climate change denying Citizens’ Alliance for
Responsible Energy, at the 7th Heartland
Institute Climate Conference in May 2012
And Roger Helmer replies to the article:
Your article 'UKIP uncut' is the most reprehensible piece of unsubstantiated innuendo I have seen for some time. It is deliberately misleading.
Ah. This is a politician speaking, don't forget, so reverse everything. For example:
Given the utter failure of the IPCC's climate model forecasts, and the fact that there has been no global warming for eighteen years
I experience pleasure and pains, and pursue goals in service of them, so I cannot reasonably deny the right of other sentient agents to do the same - Steven Pinker
...and the fact that there has been no global warming for eighteen years
They always use the El Nino year and can't/won't accept that by using that year they are cheating/conning everyone they speak to. I always ask why they don't say 19 years or 17 years instead because they would get a different result if they did.
"The likely benefits of man-made global warming exceed the likely costs."
This is probably a true statement for many of ALEC's members who will profit from the disasters and shortages that Global Warming/Climate Change will cause.
It will undoubtedly add to GDP as any disaster does. That just shows that GDP is not a credible measure of anything sensible.
Scott is a true blue politician: watch how he is asked two questions yet answers neither.
I experience pleasure and pains, and pursue goals in service of them, so I cannot reasonably deny the right of other sentient agents to do the same - Steven Pinker