Peru licenses soldiers to kill eco-protestors

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Peru licenses soldiers to kill eco-protestors

Post by UndercoverElephant » ... rotesters/
Laws recently passed in Peru exempt members of the armed forces and police from criminal responsibility if they cause injury or death to environmental protesters.

Peru has been the scene of protests by indigenous communities opposing mining, highway developments, oil drilling and logging, activities that have polluted and destroyed the rainforest.

The law, known as No. 30151 (which was passed in January), gives soldiers and police officers protection to commit crimes with impunity.

Human rights groups, the Human Rights Ombudsman and the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights have all expressed deep concern at the law.

Environmental protesters in Peru should have the right to protest without fear of death or injury from anyone.

Please sign the petition to demand the Peruvian government does not licence soldiers and police to kill environmental protesters.
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Post by emordnilap »

Well, what a surprise, not. Israel doesn't even bother with a law.

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Post by emordnilap »

And jail journalists for reporting on Snowden-style leaks.
To crack down on embarrassing,* Edward Snowden-style whistleblowers that expose the secrets of a large spy organisation, the Attorney General is pursuing new powers that would see said journalists jailed for reporting on the leaks.

The new laws are being proposed in the National Security Legislation Amendment Bill introduced into Parliament yesterday. Within the Bill is a proposal to jail those who report on confidential leaks from whistleblowers.
*Irony alert.
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Little John

Post by Little John »

I know it's a cliché to say it, but it should be starting to become apparent to even the average citizen that something very odd and systematic is happening to our civil liberties both here and abroad. To folks on here, particularly the regulars, I would argue that a systematic, intercontinental construction of a kind of amalgamated corporate/state fascism is well under way and that anyone who can't see that is just not looking hard enough.
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Post by UndercoverElephant »

Brave New World it is then.
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Post by emordnilap »

Yup and double yup to the two of youse. You have, reluctantly, to admire its cleverness - there's no conspiracy to fight against (apart from abominations such as the TTIP) - but there are quite obviously common aims, insidiously and unstoppably driven by the plutocracy.
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Post by Tarrel »

Funnily enough, I became "peak-oil aware" courtesy of the surveillance society.

I used to live in a particularly CCTV-intense area, which made me uncomfortable. I then watched a documentary on TV (don't know if anyone remembers it) showing a reporter's experimental attempts to disappear and avoid being tracked down by private investigators employed by his producers.

This concentrated my mind on the whole issue of surveillance and awoke a hunger for information and insights about just how possible it is to go under the radar. Research online led me to Collapse, which led me to Peak Oil, which led me! :)
Engage in geo-engineering. Plant a tree today.

Post by 3rdRock »

UndercoverElephant wrote:Brave New World it is then.
You mean 'Grave New World'. :(
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Post by lancasterlad »

Tarrel wrote:..... I then watched a documentary on TV (don't know if anyone remembers it) showing a reporter's experimental attempts to disappear and avoid being tracked down by private investigators employed by his producers.
Erasing David
Lancaster Lad

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