March against coalition's austerity measures

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March against coalition's austerity measures

Post by 3rdRock »

Russell Brand:
"The people of this building [the House of Commons] generally speaking do not represent us, they represent their friends in big business. It's time for us to take back our power," said Brand.

"This will be a peaceful, effortless, joyful revolution and I'm very grateful to be involved in the People's Assembly."

"Power isn't there, it is here, within us," he added. "The revolution that's required isn't a revolution of radical ideas, but the implementation of ideas we already have."
Well said that man! :D

See: ... s-assembly

Also: ... -austerity
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Post by RenewableCandy »

His previous exhortation not to vote was a bad move if you ask me (assuming that he means what he says in the rest of it).
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Little John

Post by Little John »

As is becoming usual these days, a virtual silence by the BBC on what amounted to between 50 and 80 thousand people marching the streets of London. I was listening to "Feedback" today on Radio 4 and, to their credit, they made significant comment about the lack of coverage and also the complete refusal of the BBC news editorial team to do an interview to explain that lack of coverage despite the march beginning directly outside of the BBC London headquarters.

Whilst it's always been true to a some extent, there is now a pretty unambiguous and progressively more blatant manipulation of the MSM news going on.
Last edited by Little John on 28 Jun 2014, 10:26, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by lancasterlad »

Just seen a young man on 'Newswatch' on BBC Breakfast pressing home the point. 6,000 complaints to the BBC evidently.

Don't know who the young man was but he came across very well.
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Post by biffvernon »

There have been significant appointments to BBC News of ex-Murdoch people.
Little John

Post by Little John »

"...Look Rupert, old boy, please try to be reasonable. We need a scalp for the great unwashed proletariat. I'll tell you what, how does this sound? You can have the ginger one back, because we know how fond you are of her (wink wink, say no more), as long as we can have the other one to hand to the wolves. We'd have probably preferred it the other way round to be honest, what with call-me-Dave embarrassingly appointing him as special advisor in the heart of government in the first place, but we can live with that (and, let's face it, that appointment was payback to you for supporting us at the last election, wasn't it). Meanwhile, by way of compensation, you can have a few of your key operatives placed in positions of influence in the BBC hierarchy. Just make sure that, firstly, unwanted news is kept to a minimum and that, secondly, the other one keeps his mouth shut and does his time.

We got a deal Rupert?...."

Post by 3rdRock »

stevecook172001 wrote:"...Look Rupert, old boy, please try to be reasonable. We need a scalp for the great unwashed proletariat. I'll tell you what, how does this sound? You can have the ginger one back, because we know how fond you are of her (wink wink, say no more), as long as we can have the other one to hand to the wolves. We'd have probably preferred it the other way round to be honest, what with call-me-Dave embarrassingly appointing him as special advisor in the heart of government in the first place, but we can live with that (and, let's face it, that appointment was payback to you for supporting us at the last election, wasn't it). Meanwhile, by way of compensation, you can have a few of your key operatives placed in positions of influence in the BBC hierarchy. Just make sure that, firstly, unwanted news is kept to a minimum and that, secondly, the other one keeps his mouth shut and does his time.

We got a deal Rupert?...."
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Last edited by 3rdRock on 29 Jun 2014, 07:23, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Tarrel »

Russell Brand in conversation with Max Keiser... ... headlines/
In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert are joined in the first half by Russell Brand to talk about the austerity headlines. They chat about the UK government’s expanding debt and growing deficit, despite the alleged austerity and GDP expanding thanks to heroin addiction and prostitution.Russell learns about the water cannon bought for use against anti-austerity protests, which the government itself will stoke. Finally, they talk about people revolting as they will when the social contract has been broken. Crypto currencies are one of the most visible revolts. In the second half, Max talks more with Russell Brand about his independent media outlet - The Trews; they discuss revolution and spiritual journeys.
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Post by emordnilap »

Tarrel wrote:Russell Brand in conversation with Max Keiser... ... headlines/
In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert are joined in the first half by Russell Brand to talk about the austerity headlines. They chat about the UK government’s expanding debt and growing deficit, despite the alleged austerity and GDP expanding thanks to heroin addiction and prostitution.Russell learns about the water cannon bought for use against anti-austerity protests, which the government itself will stoke. Finally, they talk about people revolting as they will when the social contract has been broken. Crypto currencies are one of the most visible revolts. In the second half, Max talks more with Russell Brand about his independent media outlet - The Trews; they discuss revolution and spiritual journeys.
Thanks T.

I can watch it at my lee-shoor because Russia Today have made much of their video stuff easy to download: a canny decision.
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