Here's some actual polls. From this April, immigration 2nd behind the economy.UndercoverElephant wrote:
No it hasn't. Poll after poll, as well as anecdotal accounts of what politicians hear on doorsteps, tells us that immigration is the number one concern of the people of the UK (on average). It's more important than the economy, more important than health and education, more important than policing and more important than defence. ... lery[m]/0/
From 1996, just before the first general election after Maastrict ... -1996.aspx
EU / Common market way down at 15% as the most important issue.
Despite your noise on the subject, immigration was so low on your priority list you voted for a pro-immigration party. There are a plethora of anti-EU parties which might better reflect your views - no2EU perhaps? Democratic mandate is given in general elections, not polls, and the people of the UK have voted for parties which supported opening the borders for 20 years. Only now does that look likely to change, but that is not 'permission has not been given' it is 'permission may be withdrawn'.