A mouthpiece of big tobacco on the Guardian comments.

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A mouthpiece of big tobacco on the Guardian comments.

Post by Atman »

I'm quite proud of my discovery:

https://id.theguardian.com/profile/id/1 ... m=comments

What are the odds of his being paid to disrupt conversation on multiple message boards? Read his comments, it's clear that his views are:

a. smoking is relatively harmless.
b. global warming is a scam.
c. second hand smoke harmless.

I'm 90% sure he's a...can't find the word for this sort of behaviour...how would you describe it? I can imagine this John Davidson spending 50 hours a week talking shit in 1000's and discussions and being paid hansomely to do so by any number of business or intelligence interests. Or does John Davidson really believes in what he is saying, which is also worrying since such a crazy man should not be allowed on the streets.
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Post by RenewableCandy »

Blimey! RGR has had another name change :)
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Post by emordnilap »

Not RGR/Ralph of course, but from the same swamp.

Reviewing the ten years of restricting smoking in the workplace in Ireland, it hasn't prevented deaths from smoking directly but has saved an average of one person per day from a second-hand smoke-related death. This is a small country, so this one a day is significant - especially if you're one of those third of a million.
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Post by Atman »

These paid shills are probably active on the majority of 'nodes' of internet traffic aiming to influence as many people as possible by being active in many discussions, so that progress in online forum activity towards common understanding is ever achieved. E.g. the climate change issue is still portrayed as being in doubt and derailing or destroying all efforts at mitigation.
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