Yes but it would be nice to do things more gently than the Russians and their 9% downward slope didn't end close to zero, which is where ours needs to. From your graph the Russian per capita curve stays above the UK line, so they were just trimming the easy bit.
Yes, surprising to see some of those countries' emissions between 50% and 100% higher than ours prior to their collapse in 1990, given the much lower car use and generally lower standard of living in those countries. (Smaller dwellings, higher occupancy rate). Also prevalence of things like district heating schemes.
Erm.....does someone know something we don't? Right now, half ten this evening, National Grid seems to be running coal plant balls to the wall - 17 Gw, while gas plant is almost shut down, 3 Gw, and wind is sitting at around 60%, 4 Gw. Somewhat unusual? Gas storage seems reasonably O.K.
Perhaps someone thinks something is about to kick-off re: Ukraine, and it may be a good idea to save on gas?
Or have we just decided this is a good time to service most of the gas plant......
Just checked the graphs, we do seem to have substituted coal for gas for electric generation quite substantially today, maybe there is more to the 16 or so American fighter jets that went to Poland than just "exercises"
I think half of Ferrybridge has to close at the end of this month so they may be trying to use up their carbon allocation. There may be others in this situation?
ceti331 wrote:ok oxygen reserves are 'very large', but its the idea we're using it outside of a cycle that convinces me producing CO2 without it being recycled back to O2 is basically a problem.
It's not a problem. There was always abundant oxygen on the surface of the Earth in the form of water, which is readily converted by plants to sugars and then eventually to free oxygen. It's not like carbon, which is mostly locked away in the rocks, or like nitrogen, which sits in the atmosphere inert and out of the grasp of most forms of life because it is relatively non-reactive.
Be interesting to see how Vlad keeps the taps open only for his bit of the Ukraine.........lot's of military personnel looking after which stay on and which are turned off???
Don't think he'll lose much sleep if Europe inadvertently gets a bit less gas....