Plastic money

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Plastic money

Post by odaeio »

Wonder if the chips will be imbedded in the notes from the get go? GCHQ needs something else to do now, maybe their expertise and infra-structure can be used to let HMRC know exactly how much cash has passed through an individuals hands.......

'Course we need plastic notes - electronics doesn't work too well after it's been wet.......

Will be great for retailers to know precisely how much cash one has in their pocket as they walk through the door.......

Yep, Orwell's vision is well underway, not long to go now for completion......
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Post by odaeio »

Wonder what the punishment will be for microwaving one's bank notes? :D

In the interests of "elf 'n safety/hygiene of course...........
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Post by biffvernon »

I've heard of electronics getting fried, but I guess microwaving is less greasy.
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Post by RenewableCandy »

They're probably designed to self-destruct in 2 minutes...
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Post by biffvernon »

If not they'll just turn up in a turtle's stomach, like the rest of the plastic.
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Post by alex »

Iv'e met these things (plastic bank-notes) in Canada. At first I didn't realise but thought them to be too pristine and rather false. By the way at the time the guy who is now governor of the bank of England was running the show over there.

Leave one out in the sun for a couple of hours as done with a 5-Can-$ bill and it soon degenerated. It was an experiment I can vouch was tried and proved on the terrace of a bar on Vancouver Island one evening last June. Couldn't do that here though as someone would have run off with the cash!

Sad thing is, here in the UK is a small industry of paper-makers who specialise in the making of the material for the old notes as we know them, they will no doubt become casualties of this.

Suppose it is what we call progress.

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Post by woodburner »

Pity it's the Daily Mail, but there are other considerations about plastic bank notes. However this Carnie bloke has imported his accountant approach having made up his mind and nothing is going to change it. As with so many "consultations", there was little chance of stopping the change.
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Post by emordnilap »

The continual replacement of biodegradable/reusable materials - paper, glass, cork, wood, cotton etc - with plastic is part of this insane fossil fuel blip. The plastic produced, sadly, is going to hang around doing its evil thing long after FFs are gone.

Often to my financial cost, I shun plastic as much as possible, which has the strange effect of people thinking me bonkers. :roll: :lol:
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Post by biffvernon »

I don't think you are bonkers.

I don't think the name Anthropocene is appropriate for a geological Period, rather it will be a Boundary Layer, to be marked by a thin, global, sedimentary horizon rich in long-chain hydro-carbon molecules, the remnants of our plastic, to which bank notes will now contribute.
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Post by emordnilap »

Well, some people think I'm bonkers, sometimes those people include me.

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Post by emordnilap »

The aurum protects a precise amount of gold between layers of durable polyester. In the form of an aurum, gold is more convenient, affordable, versatile, and trustworthy than ever before.
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Post by Catweazle »

emordnilap wrote:Valaurum
The aurum protects a precise amount of gold between layers of durable polyester. In the form of an aurum, gold is more convenient, affordable, versatile, and trustworthy than ever before.
Wouldn't be high on my list,
Gold in the form of an Aurum® is typically worth more than the net weight of the gold. There is a growing list of dealers interested in purchasing them.
Hmmm, 1/10 gram of gold in a note: $10 ... 0g-PP1.htm

Spot price of that gold: £4.07
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Post by UndercoverElephant »

emordnilap wrote:Valaurum
The aurum protects a precise amount of gold between layers of durable polyester. In the form of an aurum, gold is more convenient, affordable, versatile, and trustworthy than ever before.
Interesting, especially if they can be made hard to fake.
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Post by emordnilap »

Catweazle wrote:
emordnilap wrote:Valaurum
The aurum protects a precise amount of gold between layers of durable polyester. In the form of an aurum, gold is more convenient, affordable, versatile, and trustworthy than ever before.
Wouldn't be high on my list,
Gold in the form of an Aurum® is typically worth more than the net weight of the gold. There is a growing list of dealers interested in purchasing them.
Hmmm, 1/10 gram of gold in a note: $10 ... 0g-PP1.htm

Spot price of that gold: £4.07
The inventor's answer:
There is a real difference between buying an Aurum and a kilo bar, or even an ounce coin. In larger increments of bullion, an investor should be looking to get as close to the spot price as possible. But as the increment decreases, there's a higher markup over the commodity price. Putting gold into this form isn't cheap. The machine costs are enormous. It's a proprietary process that has taken years and quite a bit of funding to perfect. But we think there's a real market need and that the Aurum is priced about right for this increment of gold.

The economic forces here aren't special to precious metals: I can go to my supermarket and buy a 20 pound bag of rice for $20 or pay $5 for single serving bags. But it's also important to look past the commodity pricing.

The Aurum is convenient and precise. You can use it for many things where an ounce coin won't do. Also, many people can readily afford it who can't buy an ounce. Gold has a higher utility in this form, and it becomes less useful if you melt it and return it to a lump. And so less valuable as well. We think the trade in value for the Aurum will stay above the spot price for this reason.

I'd never advocate someone holding all their precious metal in Aurum. But if you have multiple ounces of gold, you might think about having an ounce or two in quantities that are easier to use. And if you've been waiting for a way to own gold, this might be what you're looking for.
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Post by emordnilap »

More on the aurum
Please note that this item is back-ordered due to unanticipated demand.
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