Anyone see Paxman interviewing Russell Brand?

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Post by nexus »

If Lee Camp is a comedian, he'd better not give up his day job. He comes across as angry and agressive, promoting revolution in a way which indicates some hint of violence. No one is safe in that situation.
No I don't think so at all- as far as I understand it, he's a pacifist. I agree his delivery is pretty 'angry-young-man' but there is a lot to angry about I have watched a few of his vids and I have NEVER heard him advocate or espouse violence.
Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Frederick Douglass
Little John

Post by Little John »

nexus wrote:Comedian Lee Camp knows where its at and is well worth watching:
f***ing ace
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Post by woodburner »

nexus wrote:[

No I don't think so at all- as far as I understand it, he's a pacifist.
So am I, and I'll smack the next person that says I'm not. :twisted:
To become an extremist, hang around with people you agree with. Cass Sunstein
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Post by nexus »

stevecook172001 wrote:
nexus wrote:Comedian Lee Camp knows where its at and is well worth watching:
******* ace
Cheers Steve, glad you liked it, like I said his other stuff is worth checking out.
Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Frederick Douglass
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Post by emordnilap »

nexus wrote:
If Lee Camp is a comedian, he'd better not give up his day job. He comes across as angry and agressive, promoting revolution in a way which indicates some hint of violence. No one is safe in that situation.
No I don't think so at all- as far as I understand it, he's a pacifist. I agree his delivery is pretty 'angry-young-man' but there is a lot to angry about I have watched a few of his vids and I have NEVER heard him advocate or espouse violence.
Agreed. I never thought he advocated violence - sabotage, yes, which I'm cool with.

His point about 'ordinary people' talking about important stuff is relevant. People have to come to the issues themselves, via people like him and Brand if necessary. Not many signs of it happening yet sadly.
I experience pleasure and pains, and pursue goals in service of them, so I cannot reasonably deny the right of other sentient agents to do the same - Steven Pinker
Little John

Post by Little John »

emordnilap wrote:
nexus wrote:
If Lee Camp is a comedian, he'd better not give up his day job. He comes across as angry and agressive, promoting revolution in a way which indicates some hint of violence. No one is safe in that situation.
No I don't think so at all- as far as I understand it, he's a pacifist. I agree his delivery is pretty 'angry-young-man' but there is a lot to angry about I have watched a few of his vids and I have NEVER heard him advocate or espouse violence.
Agreed. I never thought he advocated violence - sabotage, yes, which I'm cool with.

His point about 'ordinary people' talking about important stuff is relevant. People have to come to the issues themselves, via people like him and Brand if necessary. Not many signs of it happening yet sadly.
Violence will be necessary. There's no point in deluding ourselves that those at the top of this corrupt system are going to give up their privileged positions willingly or without resort to extreme violence themselves. We are already seeing what kind of violence they are prepared to unleash on the world to keep the boat afloat all over the middle east. Make no mistake, when push comes to shove, we will have that kind of violence used against us. If you want an idea of what that might look like, take a look at the history of Northern Ireland. I say that with no implication of supporting the republican movement.
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Post by emordnilap »

stevecook172001 wrote:
emordnilap wrote:
nexus wrote: No I don't think so at all- as far as I understand it, he's a pacifist. I agree his delivery is pretty 'angry-young-man' but there is a lot to angry about I have watched a few of his vids and I have NEVER heard him advocate or espouse violence.
Agreed. I never thought he advocated violence - sabotage, yes, which I'm cool with.

His point about 'ordinary people' talking about important stuff is relevant. People have to come to the issues themselves, via people like him and Brand if necessary. Not many signs of it happening yet sadly.
Violence will be necessary. There's no point in deluding ourselves that those at the top of this corrupt system are going to give up their privileged positions willingly or without resort to extreme violence themselves. We are already seeing what kind of violence they are prepared to unleash on the world to keep the boat afloat all over the middle east. Make no mistake, when push comes to shove, we will have that kind of violence used against us. If you want an idea of what that might look like, take a look at the history of Northern Ireland. I say that with no implication of supporting the republican movement.
Steve, we know that. It's not really what we were talking about but I'm the last person to stop you talking about others' violence. :wink: In a tradition in our family, I am a conscientious objector. To many things.
I experience pleasure and pains, and pursue goals in service of them, so I cannot reasonably deny the right of other sentient agents to do the same - Steven Pinker
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Post by biffvernon »

stevecook172001 wrote:Violence will be necessary.

We tried that. Several times. Over the last million years. It didn't work.
Little John

Post by Little John »

biffvernon wrote:
stevecook172001 wrote:Violence will be necessary.

We tried that. Several times. Over the last million years. It didn't work.
Yes it did. That's just limp, liberal piffle from someone with something to lose if the current system breaks down.

Why do you suppose our elites, nearly 70 years ago, decided to give back a major share of the resources to the people just immediately following the coming home of millions of men who had been trained to kill people and had recently been involved in active combat? Why do you suppose they have had to wait nearly 70 years before beginning to seriously to claw it all back?

I'll tell you why B, it's because they were scared of us.

They've forgotten that they should be scared of us.

They need reminding.
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Post by vtsnowedin »

stevecook172001 wrote:[They've forgotten that they should be scared of us.

They need reminding.
Scared of you Steve ? Really?
Little John

Post by Little John »

vtsnowedin wrote:
stevecook172001 wrote:[They've forgotten that they should be scared of us.

They need reminding.
Scared of you Steve ? Really?
Of course not. What you are doing there is the work of your masters, whether you realize it or not, by means of attempting to make everyone else feel as feel as atomized and alienated as you. I suspect you are doing it because you, yourself, have had a lifetime of conditioning to make sure you have no sense of fellowship with your fellow citizens but, instead, see everyone else as a potential mark. The thing is, though, I always find it interesting when common citizen state the kinds of things you do and, in doing so, act against their own interests as well as everyone else's. I have a theory about it V. I reckon it's because, in truth, the conditioning is not complete and somewhere, deep down in a place you don't even acknowledge, you don't want to feel that way and so, this constant repetition of the language of the slave is your way of keeping the feelings at bay. Let's face it, V, the fact you are prepared to waste your valuable time talking to losers like me on a forum like this is evidence that there is a mismatch between what you think you believe and what you really feel.

I'm not scary V. Several tens of millions of me are though.
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Post by odaeio »

Blimey, well said S, gave me, for one, plenty to think about..........

Yep, tens of millions of us might well be scary.........

and as for the incomplete slave THAT is something to wonder about........

or is the conditioning accomplished thus far starting to unravel I wonder? Don't remember even giving such idea's any thought whatsoever 30 years ago - don't even remember anyone around my folks ever mentioning the "slave" aspect at all - now it seems to be being discussed from all angles.....

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Post by vtsnowedin »

8) From Steve’s rant:
"work of your masters ,
Who might my "Masters” Be?
"atomized and alienated "
I did not know I was in this odd condition.
"no sense of fellowship "
I chat with you fellows all the time among other things so fail to see what you imply.
"see everyone else as a potential mark."
I don't recall ever ripping off anybody or treating anyone as a "Mark".
" common citizen "
There is nothing common about me. :evil:
"to waste your valuable time talking to losers like me,"
Well I would never have said that, but if you insist.!
" I'm not scary V. Several tens of millions of me are though"
Well then it is a good thing you are one of a kind. :wink:
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Post by oobers »

What do folk think to this response to Brand from Robert Webb? ... tion-there
I think the idea that advising your many impressionable followers not to vote is brilliant and will achieve much more than rejoining the labour party to 'engage' with politics but I suspect many more will feel happier agreeing with Webb
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Post by woodburner »

Apart from joining the Labour Party, Webb raises some valid points, not that others here will agree.
To become an extremist, hang around with people you agree with. Cass Sunstein
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