?Losing Cigar Lake in the uranium world is like the oil market having to deal with the loss of Saudi Arabia,? reports Toronto-based Sprott Asset Management?s Kevin Bambrough."
Jan Willem Storm van Leeuwen. and Philip Smith (2004), "Nuclear Power: The Energy Balance", at www.stormsmith.nl, stated that there is only enough nuclear fuel in the world to last three years if all electricity was generated by nuclear.
I did, however, meet a gentleman at a recent seminar who said that Thorium based nuclear was viable and there is plenty of thorium fuel available for donkeys years. He had worked in the field until retiring recently. I've not done any research to prove or disprove this statement
According to ?Uranium ? a sustainable energy source? produced by the Analysis Group of Swedish Nuclear Training and Safety Centre ?at present, economically viable deposits ? would last for 50 years?. It goes on to say ?doubling the price of uranium ? would increase reserves to hundreds of years.?
It not a cost thing it's EROEI again. Uranium ores are found in very low concentrations. The problem is the amount of energy required to separate the Uranium from the ore.
economically viable deposits ? would last for 50 years?
This is on the basis of current usage. Increase the rate of usage and you're down to a few years. Read my link
kenneal wrote:I did, however, meet a gentleman at a recent seminar who said that Thorium based nuclear was viable and there is plenty of thorium fuel available for donkeys years. He had worked in the field until retiring recently. I've not done any research to prove or disprove this statement
kenneal wrote:It not a cost thing it's EROEI again. Uranium ores are found in very low concentrations. The problem is the amount of energy required to separate the Uranium from the ore.
economically viable deposits ? would last for 50 years?
This is on the basis of current usage. Increase the rate of usage and you're down to a few years. Read my link
kenneal wrote:It not a cost thing it's EROEI again. Uranium ores are found in very low concentrations. The problem is the amount of energy required to separate the Uranium from the ore.
economically viable deposits ? would last for 50 years?
This is on the basis of current usage. Increase the rate of usage and you're down to a few years. Read my link