The recent Floods and Land Slides in Uttarakhand in India are more of an Industrial Disaster than a Natural Disaster.
This catastrophe is a consequence of World Bank funded Dam Industry.....Hundreds of Dams and Hydro Electric Projects are being constructed in the fragile mountain range.
This calamity is a consequence of unchecked activities of Construction Industry, Logging Industry, Mining Industry and Tourism Industry.
**Development is Destruction.....Development is Destruction.**
**Growth Rate** - **Economy Rate** - **GDP**....These are figures of Ecocide....These are figures of "Crimes against Nature"....These are figures of "Destruction of Ecosystems".....These are figures of "Insanity, Abnormality and Criminality".
Politicians who promote Growth Rate, Economy Rate and GDP are Eco Killers, Eco Murderers and Eco Terrorists.
Economists who promote Growth Rate, Economy Rate and GDP are Eco Killers, Eco Murderers and Eco Terrorists.
IMF and World Bank which promote Growth Rate, Economy Rate and GDP are Eco Killers, Eco Murderers and Eco Terrorists.
Rating Agencies which promote Growth Rate, Economy Rate and GDP are Eco Killers, Eco Murderers and Eco Terrorists.
Industrialists who promote Growth Rate, Economy Rate and GDP are Eco Killers, Eco Murderers and Eco Terrorists.
All people and Institutions that promote Growth Rate, Economy Rate and GDP are Eco Killers, Eco Murderers and Eco Terrorists.
sushil_yadav wrote:
Industrial Nations are used to threatening their adversaries with Military Might and Nuclear Weapons.
How are they going to deal with Climate which is getting more and more extreme day by day???
Are they going to nuke Hurricanes and Tornadoes too???
Are they going to nuke Droughts and Floods too???
The west used to think droughts and floods are problems of Asia, Africa and poor countries of the world....They are now occurring in the west too.
The day is not far when Agriculture will collapse worldwide due to extreme and irregular weather.
What is man going to eat???.....He has already decimated fish in the oceans.
Progress, Growth, Development.....This is terminology for all unnecessary and destructive work being done by Urban Population.
Growth Rate - Economy Rate - GDP......These are figures for all unnecessary and destructive work being done by Urban Population.
If Urban Society stops its supplies to Rural Society it will live forever.
If Rural Society stops its supplies to Urban Society it will die within a month.
That is the worth of Urban Work, Consumer Goods, Growth Rate, Economy Rate and GDP in this world.
Industrial Activity for production of thousands of consumer goods and services must stop immediately.
Cities are the Graveyards of Nature, Urban Dwellers the Executioners.
Stop Education.....Close Down Universities.
Stop Urban Work.....Close Down the Cities.