I experience pleasure and pains, and pursue goals in service of them, so I cannot reasonably deny the right of other sentient agents to do the same - Steven Pinker
It's not just any old Abroad either: if it were the USA or somewhere in the Commonwealth it'd get some attention, but this is continental Europe, blindspot of the Brit news!
Oh yes and meanwhile, nothing much happened in Turkey either.
Even mainstream Turkish TV has not been covering the protests, particularly avoiding the violence perpetrated by the military.
Indeed, channels broadcasting coverage have been fined! WTF?
I experience pleasure and pains, and pursue goals in service of them, so I cannot reasonably deny the right of other sentient agents to do the same - Steven Pinker
emordnilap wrote:Even mainstream Turkish TV has not been covering the protests, particularly avoiding the violence perpetrated by the military.
Indeed, channels broadcasting coverage have been fined! WTF?
That's called censorship. Often used by governments to cover over things that they don't want to be seen by the general public. The British government probably wanted to the scenes of kettling at the G20 to be dealt with in this way but couldn't in our democracy of sorts.
emordnilap wrote:Even mainstream Turkish TV has not been covering the protests, particularly avoiding the violence perpetrated by the military.
Indeed, channels broadcasting coverage have been fined! WTF?
That's called censorship. Often used by governments to cover over things that they don't want to be seen by the general public. The British government probably wanted to the scenes of kettling at the G20 to be dealt with in this way but couldn't in our democracy of sorts.
Indeed - for all the mud that gets slung at our politicians and political system it IS one of the best, most open, least corrupt in the world. I suspect only a few Scandinavian countries are better.
emordnilap wrote:Even mainstream Turkish TV has not been covering the protests, particularly avoiding the violence perpetrated by the military.
Indeed, channels broadcasting coverage have been fined! WTF?
That's called censorship. Often used by governments to cover over things that they don't want to be seen by the general public. The British government probably wanted to the scenes of kettling at the G20 to be dealt with in this way but couldn't in our democracy of sorts.
That explain how Govt. hiding their mistakes from public ....
clv101 wrote:Indeed - for all the mud that gets slung at our politicians and political system it IS one of the best, most open, least corrupt in the world. I suspect only a few Scandinavian countries are better.
Hmmm! Presumably that's ignoring all our wars in recent years (Iraq a couple of times, Afghanistan, Libya and now Syria); the financial crisis in which we played a leading part; the vast majority of tax havens which allow the wealthy to take their ill-gotten gains and avoid paying the people they have exploited.
Isn't it more that our corruption is of a different order than that of most banana republics, and since the UK population has generally benefited from it, we haven't worried too much about it. This may change in the years to come,
Does anyone know where the love of God goes when the waves turn the seconds to hours?
stephendavion wrote:That explain how Govt. hiding their mistakes from public ....
I presume you mean "Explain how Govt. hiding their mistakes from public ..." benefits them. Hiding their mistakes keeps them in power longer which is what most governments want.