if it works, surely he can just start selling the
or using the energy to make something he
can sell
why does he have to convince people it
to scam them into investing ?
Ok well i have a busy morning ahead of me
so will start with this as i do not have the
time or interest to answer steves questions (i
couldnt care less if you beleive or not believe)
some of which i might add are absolute
Its obvious that steve has done a little
research but its also obvious that steves
research on the subject has been very
agenda driven (as to find only answers that
suits his opinion) as he could of easily found
the answers to some of his own questions
but hey ho.
Your questions steve remind me of someone i
had a debate with on peak oil they did
exactly the same as you.
My point being anyone can find snippets of
information to suit there agenda but it doesnt
mean there correct only after thorough,
agenda free researching witch you go in with
a open mind, can you find the truth or in this
case form a real independent opinion on
As its clear your opinion on this subject was
made up a long time ago, so no amount of
independent testing or the like will change
your mind, i wont waste my energy. The
answers to your questions are out there.
Ceti you make a very good point and your
point is something rossi has said
continuously. He has stated clearly that he
has no interest in convincing people/skeptics
that his device works he has said from the
begining that all he has a interest in is
getting his device on the market and that in a
nutshell is his business strategy.
Im sure you understand that it takes time to
bring a new technology to market especially
a technology as revolutionary as this ( if true
of course ).
As for your point of surely he can just start
selling energy. It is obviously clear from the
3rd party indepentant tests that rossi is still
having issues with controlling his device.
You can see this from the fact that on the
1st test the cop was higher than on the 2nd
test and from the fact that the authors noted
that on a third test the reaction went out of
control and destroyed the reactor.
So taking this into account if the device does
work as stated it will be a while longer yet
untill the product reaches market.
I will end with this:
The conclusion of the report is that the heat
production is orders of magnitude beyond
any conventional chemical energy source,
beaten only by nuclear based power sources.
Yet the scientists have systematically made
conservative assumptions in order to base
the result on a worst case scenario.
“Even by the most conservative assumptions
as to errors in the measurements, the result
is still one order of magnitude greater than
conventional energy sources.”
In the tests, about 5.6 and 2.6 times the
input energy was produced respectively
(COP). An hypothesis for the lower value in
the second test is that it might be explained
by a lower working temperature , on average
302 °C against 438 °C in the first run.
In the second test an identical dummy
reactor without fuel charge was run with the
same experimental set-up and found to
produce no excess heat.
And that from 5 respected and idependent
scientists from respected universities who
were allowed over 200 hours of testing, left
on there own unsupervised, with there own measuring equipment and allowed to publish the results no matter the outcome. That is enough for me to continue following this story and see where it ends.
And if that isnt enough a longer test of the
same device lasting for about six months is
planned to be made later this year.