Couldn't agree more. Transition types who stock up to help the community will be the first to go as they become known as the hoarders by a desperate and terrified people.During SHTF I was jack of all trades. Resource gatherer, fighter and defender for my family and also just young man who wanted to enjoy life as good as possible in these problematic times.
In this and following articles I want to talk about different types of real survivalists. I dont want to judge here. If you have lived normal life you maybe only know glimpse of your survivor mindset. What kind of person you are when SHTF and you fight for survival. Important to know is that people show very different faces or mindsets when it comes to real survival.
Normal people like to think that everything can be solved with doing good, so they are trying to do good. Right now here it is not important are we talking about people who believe in God or not.
We all seen TV shows where preppers are showing their stuff, talking about their plans and things for time when SHTF.
I have seen lady, she is preparing for some possible scenario and showing her food storage and talk about her plans when SHTF. And she is storing whole lot of everything, much more than she and her family needs because as she explains there is gonna be whole lot of people who have lost everything and her plan is to help them.
I feel everything best for her, she is great person. Man who wants to help other people is good person, period.
But when SHTF she is going down. Sorry for being so “negative” but when people have to decide either they die or this nice lady for many answer is easy.
In a real SHTF I reakon half the regulars on this board will be dead within a month or two.