No, I mean the 1,000m3 of high level heat producing waste already in existence, and 290,000m3 of other intermediate level, and the 4 million-odd m3 of low level waste. And precisely how much more highly active fission products would PRISM add to that stockpile... which is going nowhere because there's no cheap AND safe way of managing it.Lftrsuk wrote:Do you mean all of that DU, SNF and Pu stockpiles - now I call that a useful source of energy for a PRISM reactor
Fast reactors do not burn-up the fission products. The mass of what comes out is still 99.99-odd% of what when into the process.
Show me the fuel--energy balance data to support that! There is nothing like that amount of energy available from fast reactors.Lftrsuk wrote:...inexhaustible uranium and thorium fuels can supply all of the energy (including liquid fuels for transport and ammonia feed stock for nitrate fertilisers - to feed 9 billion) to every individual on the planet (at developed world standards) for all of time (at least for the 5 billion years the Sun has left)
So basically you're an ex-nuclear industry fanatic who wants to promote an idea that'll have failed abysmally by the time you're dead and gone, leaving the rest of us to sort out the mess?Lftrsuk wrote:...retired engineer who seeks to promote Molten Salt Reactor (MSR) technology