Do you really think that if cold fusion (or hot fusion) were possible, given that our economies are currently falling apart across the globe due to, fundamentally, the rising cost of energy, that these exotic energy production technologies would not have been used already?
Cold fusion IS possible (just like hot fusion is) have you not read any of my links?? Its been replicated in the LAB many times by NASA and the US navy among others. Weather it can be formed into a commercially viable energy form is a different question altogether. They cant use it yet as it is only in the testing stage and there still trying to figure out what the hell is happening.
Yes the economies are falling apart but that wouldn't really make a difference in my mind, the oil companies and bankers etc are still getting fat pay checks and profits so why would they care? As i have said before they will still be profiting when Peak oil truly hits home its the Joe average that will suffer not the 1%.
Now, don’t misunderstand me, human organisations are more than capable of suppressing information if they think it goes against their interests (See Michelangelo for details). However, it is not in Western governments’ interests to suppress viable technology for producing energy. Nor is it anywhere as easy to suppress such information for any significant length of time now with modern telecommunication as compared to centuries past.
They did suppress it in 1989 they led the world to believe that cold fusion was impossible and that no one could replicate the p and f experiment. We now know that was a lie and that many scientists replicated the experiment INCLUDING NASA. Its only now that NASA etc are coming out about the truth and thats mainly down to as you say modern telecommunication.
Steve i would just like to clarify that cold fusion is, for the moment, only possible in the lab. It is not a commercially viable form of energy (weather it can be i dont know) all im saying is if the world was told the truth in 1989 then we would of had 13 years to work on it. Yes some scientists have been working on it but because it was apparently "impossible" it has had very very little funding, if we would of spent billions on LENR instead of hot fusion then who knows we may have already had a commercially viable LENR reactor.