Ludwig wrote:Argentina in 2002 was very, very bad indeed. A large proportion of the population was "living" by scavenging cardboard and selling it for recycling. Unemployment was 25%. It wasn't safe to walk the streets.
Remember: all this time Argentina had things to export. We won't be so lucky.
My gut feeling is that some huge change is going to take place next year. I believe that TPTB have been making plans for dealing with PO, and that these plans concern only their own well-being and survival. We will see these plans roll out very quickly, because they have been prepared long in advance.
I don't have as much faith in the powers/planning ability of TPTB. The numbers of police/military are trivial if serious national scale actions are attempted. Evidence from events (natural disaster, terrorist attacks etc), both in the UK and in other countries, provide little evidence for national latent capability of doing significant stuff. I prefer the idea that the state is pretty much operating at capacity already and the resources simply don't exist to rapidly put into action a significant 'plan'.
Regarding Argentina, whilst it was bad - it was a million miles from the scenario in Last Light. Unemployment was
only 25%.
Ludwig wrote:There will be a huge false flag terror event that will be used to justify the final removal of what remains of our civil liberties; and/or a massive viral outbreak "vaccinations" for which will be compulsory; the rounding up of troublemakers and poor people into detention camps of some sort (there are already plans in place to exacuate London).
One way or another, TPTB are going to try to kill off enough people that the situation becomes managable.
Now we're getting some specifics, are you saying that in 2012 or at latest 2013 we'll see?
"huge false flag terror event" In the UK? Numbers, of the scale of 9/11 or London tube bombings?
"and/or a massive viral outbreak "vaccinations" for which will be compulsory" Numbers - how many people infected, 100s or millions? Deaths?
"rounding up of troublemakers and poor people into detention camps of some sort" Numbers - how many, hundreds (in prisons) or tens of thousands (in camps)?
"TPTB are going to try to kill off enough people that the situation becomes managable" Numbers - to have an impact on manageability, hundreds of thousands?
If you think this is likely to happen in the UK in the next year or two what on Earth are you still doing here?! Why not move to the Azores, the climate is great, it's 900 miles from mainland, low population, run down house with enough land to grow most of your own food and be had for few tens of thousands of quid.