150 years after Tyndall's awesome paper

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150 years after Tyndall's awesome paper

Post by biffvernon »

http://tyndallconference2011.org/wp-con ... ecture.pdf

And a report about it: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-15093234

clv101 wrote:This is an awesome paper, the experiment design ingenious, the results profound.
Similar remarks would apply to the carbonic acid diffused through the air; while an almost inappreciable admixture of any of the hydrocarbon vapours would produce great effects on the terrestrial rays and produce corresponding changes of climate. It is not therefore necessary to assume alterations in the density and height of the atmosphere, to account for different amounts of heat being preserved to the earth at different times; a slight change in its variable constituents would suffice for this. Such changes in fact may have produced all the mutations of climate which the researches of geologists reveal.
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