Question Time!

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Question Time!

Post by GD »

I've just had the call, been invited to tomorrow night's Question Time!

Only thing is, you're limited to 2 questions, and you have to submit them before the show.

So guys and gals, suggestions please... (bear in mind they will be vetted)
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Post by Totally_Baffled »

What does the panel think the implications will be of the imminent peaking of world oil production?

or for the UK:

What are the implications for the UK economy of importing 80%+ of our gas oil having previously been entirely self sufficient?

My wording may need help - but you get the point.

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Post by RevdTess »

Who are the panellists?
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Post by GD »

I've no idea who they are. The website doesn't say.

By the way, thanks for the heads up XENG!

Have you had a call?
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Post by clv101 »

Here are a few ideas:

For the last two winter?s gas customers, especially large industrial users, have experienced dramatic price increases. As the gas production from North Sea is now in rapid decline we are being driven towards imports from potentially unreliable countries. If, and these are both very big ifs the gas import infrastructure is built in time and there is enough export capacity with these countries to fill the infrastructure, how will the UK be able to afford the gas given that at today?s price (future prices sure to be even higher) imports by 2020 would represent half of our current trade deficit ? considering also the necessary oil imports as North Sea oil production declines and our trade deficit would double.

Does the panel agree with the growing number of geologists and analysts who predict the global rate of oil production will peak, meaning from that point onwards less oil will be available each subsequent year, within a decade, possibly before the end of this decade and what proposals can the panel offer to address the inevitable peaking of global oil supply given our current dependence on oil.

Last week David Attenborough told us China was planning to build 50 new coal power stations each year for the next seven years making 350 new coal power stations. The carbon emissions from these dwarf the UK 18 coal power stations however the rapid growth in China fuelling this construction is driven by demand from the West for Chinese manufactured goods ? is it environmentally responsible to buy products from China given the environmental damage these purchases are indirectly causing? And should the CO2 emissions incurred overseas in the manufacture of products consumed in the UK be counted as UK emissions?
Last edited by clv101 on 07 Jun 2006, 15:28, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by WolfattheDoor »

The questions on previous programs tend to be about topical subjects. Maybe you should try and link it with something in the news: ie. the energy review or USA and Iran (or Rooney's foot :D ).
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Post by GD »

That's right. Do us a favour and blockade a few refineries... Cheers :lol: :lol:
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Post by GD »

Panel Info:

David Lammie MP, Minister for Culture
Dr. Liam Fox MP, Shadow Defence Secretary
Lynne Featherstone MP, Home Affairs, Liberal Democrats
George Galloway MP, Respect Party
Sir Max Hastings, Military Historian
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A topical one about EU Biofuel policy

Post by giles »

The EU is launching its report "Biofuels in the European Union - a vision for 2030 and beyond" tomorrow (8th June). The report is the final draft of the Biofuels Research Advisory Council.

It would be interesting to know what the pannellist think the UK/europe should be doing about Biofuels in general.

Best of luck, I'll be watching for you.

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Post by RevdTess »

GD wrote:Panel Info:

David Lammie MP, Minister for Culture
Dr. Liam Fox MP, Shadow Defence Secretary
Lynne Featherstone MP, Home Affairs, Liberal Democrats
George Galloway MP, Respect Party
Sir Max Hastings, Military Historian
Galloway and Max Hastings! Fantastic.

They'll only pick questions immediately related to current news, so I suggest using the US-Iran issue to tempt the BBC with something that might get Galloway to say something inflammatory.

eg, "Given the current global shortage of energy supplies, to what extent are the panel concerned by Iran's threat to blockade oil supplies [in the straits of Hormuz] if the US takes military action against them?"
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Post by dr_doom »

Your best hope of getting your question picked is to choose something topical and non-inflamatory.

Hit them with a furious rant about energy depletion when they come back to ask if the answer was good enough.

"What does the panel think the consequences of Iran playing its oil card in the increasingly hostile situation that is developing in the middle east?"

blah, blah, blah.... self agrandising dare those arabs blackmail us for oil, etc......what do you think

"I think we should be as a nation reducing our dependence on oil, because it isn't going to be cheap for much longer, no matter how much peace there is in the middle east.
Oil production rates are due to peak in the next 5 years and oil will begin to get a lot more expensive very quickly.
Peak oil is a very serious problem, and we need to start publicly debating it more often on programs such as Question Time."

They'll probably still edit it out.
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Post by GD »

I fear you're spot on mate.
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Post by Bandidoz »

Does the panel consider that Peak Oil will have an impact on the supply of pink leotards [for George Galloway].

Hopefully skeptik will find an image somewhere...
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Post by XENG »

GD wrote: By the way, thanks for the heads up XENG!

Have you had a call?
No prob, just doing my bit.
I thought that the more people who submitted questions oil/energy the better the chance of them picking one.

I dont think i have had a call, they may have called the my land line when there was no one in, in which case i wont know.
I also may have ruled myself out by being honest on the application form, i told them i'd been on QT last year when it was in exeter, maybe they think i'm being greedy.

I think the secret of getting a question picked is to make it short and to the point and for it to be relatated to news stories of the past few days.
Also, i dont think they edit it that much, what you see and hear in the audience is what gets broadcast later that evening.

GD, have you got any spare tickets?
I went with a 2 friends, one of whom had applied, they asked her if she had any friends who might be interested and she gave them my number.
Failing that, have you got the phone number of the producer? I could call them and ask if they have my name down.
XENG - University of Exeter Engineering Society

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Post by GD »

Check your Private Messages.
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