The upcoming marketing

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The upcoming marketing

Post by kevincarter »

Watching that Chevron publicity I get feeling that there is much more to come from all kinds of companies. Marketing departments will soon see PO like yet another way to make money, sooner than later they will detect PO as a way of gripping the customer and catching its attention. It's easy to explain PO and the whole argument makes sense in the first two or three sentences. The strategy will be clear: they?ll explain PO in the same way they explained Y2K or anything else, as scary as they can but in a sober way. Then they will position themselves and their products as the rescuers, offering alternative energies, alternative cars, alternative light bulbs... anything you can think of. The good side is that many people will be aware of PO. The bad side is that ?yellow press kind of journalists? will take over the media discussion of the subject so people will think that buying such or such car it?s all they have to do. Another of my worries is that of politicians trying to sell us their products too. PO will be a fertile land for political extremism of all kinds, I won't be surprised the day they decide to legalize GM food and promote it on TV Support our GM farmers anything will be valid. Marketing departments will sure play a key role in the near future. From the Chevron website in 2005 to big street signs in 2030 portraying a happy family saying Concentration camps can be fun!
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Post by isenhand »

Are you surprised? Even if the whole of civilisation ran off the edge of a cliff there would be someone trying to make money on the way down. That is the system we are in. :)
The only future we have is the one we make!

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