Bigger Bendy Bus

Our transport is heavily oil-based. What are the alternatives?

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Bigger Bendy Bus

Post by biffvernon »

A view of what the Curitiba City Hall is calling the world's longest articulated bus, as it was presented to the press before going into service on the city's public transportation grid, in Curitiba April 5, 2011. The bus, made in Brazil by Volvo with a Neobus chassis, has a capacity of 250 passengers, is 28 meters (92 ft) long, 2.6 meters (8.5 ft) wide, and powered with biodiesel made from soybeans. ... 815513.htm

Curitba is the subject of an interesting film: ... -curitiba/

that I watched a couple of days ago. I think it was made in 2008 but is worth watching if you're interested in solutions for city development.
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Post by Pepperman »

I think Boris's head would explode if he saw that!


Will try and track that docu down.
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Post by JohnB »

Pepperman wrote:Will try and track that docu down.
It's worth watching. I saw it at a showing in a rural area, and I'm not sure anyone connected with it, as there wasn't really anything that anyone could say "we could do that" to. It does show how people can make changes though.

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Post by snow hope »

Must be hard to see out the back window! :twisted:

And reversing must be a bit of a bitch..... :shock:
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