... 63654.html
"Scientists have identified a massive volume of freshwater floating like a cap on the Arctic Ocean, which they believe could suddenly flow into the North Atlantic and affect the warm Gulf Stream that keeps Britain mild in winter and cool in summer.
Studies have shown that a surface layer of fresher water in the Arctic Ocean has increased in volume by about 20 per cent over the past two decades. Scientists believe this is the result of melting sea ice and an increased flow of rivers from Siberia and Canada carrying large volumes of meltwater from permafrost regions."
Article continues...
Build-up of fresh water in Arctic could spell trouble
Moderator: Peak Moderation
Thanks for the link Kieren.
that is a large increase and we know what the likely result would be.

erm, yes...It is estimated that the Gulf Stream, which turns into the North Atlantic Drift, carries heat equivalent to 1m power stations. A shutdown would make winters colder in Britain.
"In the past we know that a sudden change in Atlantic currents has happened because of a relatively sudden release of freshwater into the North Atlantic. We can imagine that it could happen again," said Benjamin Rabe, of Germany's Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in Bremerhaven.
"If that amount of freshwater is going to be suddenly released it would influence ocean currents, for instance the thermohaline circulation of the North Atlantic. I think we should definitely look at this further. The thermohaline ocean current has only been monitored for a few years," he added.
Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Frederick Douglass
When a feature the size of an ice cap melts at the speed it is currently doing then expect the unexpected.
I suspect that many still believe that climate change will be a linear process.
I also suspect they are in for a nasty shock.
I suspect that many still believe that climate change will be a linear process.
I also suspect they are in for a nasty shock.
The most complete exposition of a social myth comes when the myth itself is waning (Robert M MacIver 1947)