What motivates (or doesn't) your partner ref preparations?

What changes can we make to our lives to deal with the economic and energy crises ahead? Have you already started making preparations? Got tips to share?

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Post by Janco2 »

No problem with my husband either but we have both been aware of Peak Oil since the 70's. Have to admit though that it sort of took a back seat when we were struggling to bring up children, work full time and run a smallholding!

Since becoming computer literate and discovering that many more people have similar views to us we have learnt a great deal more about how our lives are likely to change in the foreseeable future.

Hope that when TSHTF we will still be fit enough to cope.
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Post by RenewableCandy »

Marvellous Mr Renewable has first-hand experience of the fact that no country (or set-up within a country) lasts forever. He also comes from a culture of make-do-and-mend, with things like woodburners and food-preservation (as well as ludicrously long novels, climatic extremes, etc) being part of his everyday life. Plus of course there were floods just down the road the year we moved here. Kind of focuses the mind.
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Post by hardworkinghippy »

My partner's a French peasant and he and his family have lived the way we do for generations.

To the outside world we have nothing in common (Age, class, education, life experiences...) but our basic approach to how we do things at home is frighteningly similar.
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Post by emordnilap »

RenewableCandy wrote:Marvellous Mr Renewable has first-hand experience of the fact that no country (or set-up within a country) lasts forever.
I hope you're right. :wink:
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Post by Mean Mr Mustard »

RenewableCandy wrote:Marvellous Mr Renewable has first-hand experience of the fact that no country (or set-up within a country) lasts forever. He also comes from a culture of make-do-and-mend, with things like woodburners and food-preservation (as well as ludicrously long novels, climatic extremes, etc) being part of his everyday life. Plus of course there were floods just down the road the year we moved here. Kind of focuses the mind.
Sounds like Mr Renewableski to me..?
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Post by featherstick »

SWMBO resisted for a long time, saying that she had lived through one collapse, didn´t want to think about another. I changed tack from "Prepare for TEOTWAWKI", to "Save money, learn more skills, be more self reliant", as well as "Look, there was no power in Milton Keynes for a week last winter, perhaps we should buy some more candles". A gradual approach which has helped us to align our thinking.
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Post by Andy Hunt »

Well 't other half has upped and fecked off after 6 years, so much for the preparations!!

But I am redressing the issue with real ale. Hic
Andy Hunt
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Post by hardworkinghippy »

Oh deary me Andy - what a bummer !

Here was me thinking that you.... well you know what I'm going to say.... :|

Apart from that, I can't think of much to say except I hope your heart mends soon and once you've sobered up, lay off the booze.

Shit, eh ?
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Post by Andy Hunt »

Cheers HWH, I am doing my best to be bitter and twisted but I'm just managing bitter at the moment, in quantity.

Onwards and upwards eh. Maybe I should post in classifieds, "Eco-house plus resident hippy for rent. Would suit good-time gardener"

Andy Hunt
Eternal Sunshine wrote: I wouldn't want to worry you with the truth. :roll:
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Post by nexus »

Andy, I'm so sorry to hear that and +1 to what HWH has said.
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Post by Andy Hunt »

Thanks nexus :)

Well I had my night on the pop last night, didn't get much sleep but hopefully that means I'll be tired and get a good night's kip before work tomorrow. Clearing up the house today, packing things into bags etc for them to be picked up later in the week. Joy.

Have the cat for company though which is a real comfort, I can see why they get prescribed for stress. Could come in handy post peak! I mean to say, they are coming in handy post peak . . .

Am trying to remain philosophical about it, thinking it may be a sign that 2011 is going to be a turbulent year and I should steel myself for it. Right now though, it's - well, you know how it is, we've all been there eh.
Andy Hunt
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Post by tattercoats »

I'm sorry to hear that, Andy. I hope you get safe and sanely through the bitter and find good things on the other side.
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Post by eatyourveg »

Not the best place to be Andy, best of luck working through this one.
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Post by emordnilap »

Sympathies with you Andy. Chin up, with or without the glass.
I experience pleasure and pains, and pursue goals in service of them, so I cannot reasonably deny the right of other sentient agents to do the same - Steven Pinker
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Post by Andy Hunt »

Thanks everyone, in fact it was an amicable split so not as traumatic as it could have been. Am treating myself to an Italian (meal) tonight as Part 2 of getting my head together before a mercifully shortened work week.

Anyway enough about me already :)
Andy Hunt
Eternal Sunshine wrote: I wouldn't want to worry you with the truth. :roll:
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