Palm oil power station!

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Palm oil power station!

Post by biffvernon »

Hawaii's largest electricity company, HECO, could soon become one of the largest US importers of palm oil. They have been given permission to burn 2.56 million gallons of palm oil in two large power stations for a 'test phase' – and they want to burn far more after that. HECO's so-called 'clean energy' will mean more deforestation and land-grabbing in South-east Asia and West Africa, and more climate change. Please go to

and write to policy makers in Hawaii, requesting that they withdraw permission for HECO to burn palm oil or other agrofuels. Please let friends and family know about this alert. Many thanks.

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Guadalupe Rodríguez
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Post by SunnyJim »

ffs. Where will they stop. Burn the world!!!!!

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Post by JohnB »

Isn't is amazing that they've just voted for smaller government, and that implies more local government and individual responsibility, but they still want to rape and pillage the rest of the planet to maintain their non negotiable way of life :evil: :roll:.

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