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EU renewable energy legislation states that 10% of all road transport fuel in the EU will need to be “renewable” by 2020. Unfortunately this means biofuels, many of which are causing rainforest destruction and making climate change worse. Biodiesel from palm oil is one of the worst offenders. Palm oil plantations for food and fuel are the primary cause of rainforest destruction in Indonesia and Malaysia. Biodiesel from palm oil is extremely likely to produce higher greenhouse gas emissions than conventional diesel, thereby making climate change worse not better.
The EU claims that only “sustainable” biofuels will meet the grade and be eligible to count towards the 10% target. However, a leaked draft document from the European Commission shows that it wants to call palm oil plantations “forest” so that razing rainforest to plant oil palm would not count as a change in land use.
Grid connected Proven 6kW Wind Turbine and 3.8kW Solar PV
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Growing fruit, nuts, vegetables and a variety of trees for coppicing.
Only seven days left to sign my petition against the burning of palm oil in UK power stations. There are quite a few planning applications in for these power stations NOW! Get busy now, please. It only takes a few minutes.