JohnB wrote:It was a bit unbalanced, having someone with plenty of broadcasting experience against a proper climate scientist who hesitated a bit at times
That's a good point, John.
Philip Stott is not a climate scientist, but a botanist whose special interest has been the ecology of Indonesian grasslands. He is very media savvy and since retiring has made a career of pushing his agenda in the media. He sets about subtly sowing little doubts in people's minds. He tries to come over as a fair and impartial scientist but when you look at his bedfellows, the people he shares platforms with, it is clear that he is embedded in the denialsphere.
Real climate scientists are just too reasonable, polite, non-shouty, to get the message over in this tough rough world. But of course that's the nature of scientific discourse. It's a big problem with no obvious answers.
Do read Chris's blog and our following discussion on