Anyone Heard Of This?

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Re: Anyone Heard Of This? (Steorn)

Post by Cycloloco »

Cabrone wrote:A company called Steorn claim to have invented a device that generates energy for free!

These are bold claims and ones that would undermine one of the fundamentals of Physics, namely that energy cannot be created or destroyed but simply transformed.

Echoes of the Cold Fusion debate but until they are disproved then we won't know if this is for real or not.
They're still in business and it's time for you all to have another look at their site

They think they have confirmed "over-unity" now and they want to take it further.
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Post by Vortex »

What a load of bollocks.

Instead of websites, development communities etc they simply need to show a car running on it, or a model plane staying aloft for a few days, or a model boat going around in circles on a lake for a week.

Their approach shows they have NOTHING.

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Post by ziggy12345 »

Jim McCormick made $85m with a device that works on dowsing to detect bombs in Iraq. With this level of stupidity evident in the world its no wonder you are seeing scams like this appearing.

On the same note previously unemployed scientists are now earning shedloads working on global warming, or climate change or whatever its called today.
Last edited by ziggy12345 on 01 Feb 2010, 08:26, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by adam2 »

Hold on to your wallets Is all I say, to this and other similar scams.
"Installers and owners of emergency diesels must assume that they will have to run for a week or more"
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Post by AndySir »

One of the more frustrating things about the cutting edge of Physics these days is that theories like string theory, dark energy and gravitons are so completely untestable that it probably doesn't qualify as science any more. Somebody said of string theory "What does it permit? Pretty much anything. Well, what does is rule out? Pretty much nothing." That kind of environment just seems to create opportunities for the mercenary.
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Post by Vortex »

The article closes with:
The theoretical resolution of these questions had to await development of the most modern techniques of quantum statistical mechanics
Yeah. Right.

(Personally I think that oil comes form the fossiled remains of an huge interstellar travelling star-slug which carelessly slipped when kicking away from Jupiter towards Mercury and so grazed the Earth at 0.6 the speed of light. The creature survived but left parts of its anatomy behind. For example not many people realise that Ghawar is Arabic for 'slug gonads'. Anyway, it's all academic : the slug entrails are running out ... in fact we may have reached PSE [Peak Slug Entrails] this year.)
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Post by Vortex »


Here is a computer simulation of the moment the star-slug grazed the Earth all those millennia ago. Don't ask what the black bits are ... just enjoy putting the results into your petrol tank!
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Post by adam2 »

ziggy12345 wrote:Jim McCormick made $85m with a device that works on dowsing to detect bombs in Iraq. With this level of stupidity evident in the world its no wonder you are seeing scams like this appearing.

Agree entirely, did no one even think to test the alleged bomb detecting device ?
It cant be that hard to conceal bombs on a firing range or military base, and then try to locate them.

Likewise, the alleged free energy device could be subjected to some very simple independant tests, but I bet it wont be !
"Installers and owners of emergency diesels must assume that they will have to run for a week or more"
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Post by madibe »


There is no such thing as a free lunch.


its bollocks
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