10:10 vote in Parliament

What can we do to change the minds of decision makers and people in general to actually do something about preparing for the forthcoming economic/energy crises (the ones after this one!)?

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10:10 vote in Parliament

Post by biffvernon »

10:10 storms Parliament
At 4.15pm today, the UK politicians will vote on whether the House of Commons, the House of Lords, all Government Departments, all local councils, all schools, all hospitals, all prisons and even the Army must sign up to our 10:10 campaign and cut their emissions by 10% next year. A YES vote would clearly be fantastic news, not just for the carbon dioxide which wouldn't be pumped into the atmosphere, but also because it would be the most significant short-term emissions cutting program ever introduced anywhere in the world. (Sorry Maldives, but your ten-years-to-go-carbon-neutral is looking positively long-term.....). And with less than 50 days till Copenhagen, a bold move from a rich country is desperately needed to break the deadlock in the international negotiations.

About 5,500 people have so far contacted their MP asking them to vote YES, which is a moderately convincing number for such things, but we really need to double that in the next few hours or they'll conclude that nobody much cares. So if you live in the UK, go to this website - http://38degrees.org.uk/get-parliament-to-vote-1010 - and zap off a quick email to your MP. There's only a few hours left, so pretty please do it straight away and then bug everyone near you at work/college/baby yoga/prison to do the same. If you're not in the UK, please send the link to any UK friends and if you're a Twitterer, here's a sample tweet: Parliament is voting on whether to join #1010 today. Please ask your MP to be Not Stupid & vote YES: http://retwt.me/ZzbD
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Post by RenewableCandy »

Done. And put on Facebook page.
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Post by nexus »

Done- apparently my MP is supporting the 10:10 motion (must be the most positive thing he's ever done). :o
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Post by re »

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Post by Vortex »

Polls, surveys, letters, 5-year targets etc will make NO difference.

Human beings are full of b*****t. It's always SOMEONE ELSE who must make cutbacks.

Must dash: need to run Hermione down to the local school in my SUV, and then must zoom over to the Friends Of The Earth meeting 30 miles away ...
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