More airline cutbacks

Our transport is heavily oil-based. What are the alternatives?

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More airline cutbacks

Post by adam2 »

Sad news of course for those put out of work, but for the enviroment, very good news.

As is usual, the budget airline industry blames the costs imposed on the industry, rather than fewer people flying.

I wonder for much longer airport expansion will be considered esiential ? not much longer I suspect.
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Post by goslow »

try telling that to Leeds Bradford Airport and (most of) Leeds and Bradford city councillors. Ryanair just announced a huge increase in flights from the airport, which is soon to be expanded. Funnily enough a lot of the flight destinations seem to be already served by jet2 so we'll see if the effect is more on passenger numbers or jet 2 profits.
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Post by PS_RalphW »

US jet fuel demand is still 10-13% down on 12 months ago. I think this number is the bottom line on the future of aviation.

I was sorry to the see the inventor of the Jetpod was killed testing his own prototype. Engineers get very passionate about their work and sometimes take unreasonable risks. Particularly sad since his design has been left behind by history. It would never have gone into production. ... d-aircrash
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Post by adam2 »

This story is interesting

The employers side in this dispute state that air travel has declined by 19%, if true that is a very substantial drop.

Airline and/or airport strikes for Easter, and for the August bank holiday are a tradition now, perhaps the hassle factor is putting people off ?
I suspect that we have passed peak air travel, at least in the UK.
"Installers and owners of emergency diesels must assume that they will have to run for a week or more"
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