I am sceptical of the AGW Theory which is based on the fact that CO2 is a Greenhouse Gas (GHG). With an increase of CO2 in our atmosphere, it is theorized that this GHG will cause the global temperature of our planet to heat up. There appears to be a global warming of about 0.6c over the last century. Many scientists and organisations, bodies around the world including our own Met Office consider that a major part of that warming is down to mankind's activities.
But there are some laymen, scientists and countries who remain sceptical that this warming is due to mankind's influence. I am one of these laymen and I think the warming is more likely to be due to natural decadel and centenial swings in our climate, brought about by our local Star, the Sun which provides everything we have in our Solar System. Natural swings in our climate do occur naturally, recent examples being the Medieval warm period (1100 - 1400 approx) and the Little Ice Age (1600-1900 approx).
And as Bandidoz kindly posted in this thread, http://www.powerswitch.org.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?t=163
we can see the Ice Ages which occur about every 100,000 years with about a 10,000 year inter-glacial which we are lucky enough to be enjoying currently. It should be noted that the next ice-age is due now.

The recent Horizon programmes on Global Dimming, Gulf Stream cut-off etc, were enjoyable and quite possible. As is the next Caldera explosion in Yellowstone as well as the next major asteroid impact and flu pandemic. They could start/happen tomorrow or not for 200 or 2000 years. Anything is possible!

Just my opinion folks..