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"The Spirit of the Sacred Hoop": A Short Story

Posted: 01 Jan 2008, 19:19
by Stefan Pasti
Many years ago there was a tribe of people who were experiencing challenges that were threatening their very existence.

During this ?time of fear?, a young woman experiences a vision?of a bird which says to her ?You must all leave where you are, and travel to a place far away? You must look for the tree at the center of the sacred hoop. You will know when you have found this tree when you hear birds singing on the branches of a tree, and you understand their song.?

The tribe of people eventually begins this ?great journey?. Do they find the tree at the center of the sacred hoop?

?The Spirit of the Sacred Hoop? is a nine page short story which recognizes intuition and spiritual wisdom as important elements of community and cultural sustainability.

?The Spirit of the Sacred Hoop? story is accessible at the website of The Interfaith Peacebuilding and Community Revitalization (IPCR) Initiative (at Look in the ?Core Documents? section of the IPCR website homepage for a link to the pdf file.

All IPCR documents can be downloaded for free, or requested as an attachment to an e-mail.

With Kind Regards,

Stefan Pasti
The IPCR Initiative