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Which Councils / Towns / cities have a PO policy (of sorts)?

Posted: 14 Dec 2005, 20:52
by Max
Hey guys,

anybody know which towns or cities or local councils have a Peak Oil policy or have policies / strategies or things happening that will be useful to the Peak Oil cause?

e.g. there is a town down south somewhere that is encouraging local people to buy locally (don't know which town it is but I want to know?)

And I am sure there must be really bad places where the local government is actively going for bad policies (eg in North wales where they are fighting against further windfarm developments)

so what is the crack in your local city / area?

Posted: 14 Dec 2005, 22:57
by GD
Just been to a talk by Rob Hopkins of

There's plans to kick off an Energy descent action plan in Totnes. Although I'm not living in Totnes, I'm nearby and I'll keep up to date with it.

Posted: 15 Dec 2005, 14:06
by Bandidoz
Kinsale (the 2021 energy descent plan)

Seems anywhere that Rob's been has one ;)

Re: Which Councils / Towns / cities have a PO policy (of sor

Posted: 15 Dec 2005, 21:48
by skeptik
Max wrote:Hey guys,

anybody know which towns or cities or local councils have a Peak Oil policy or have policies / strategies or things happening that will be useful to the Peak Oil cause?

Posted: 15 Dec 2005, 21:55
by Joe
I'm in the process of drafting something for my ward's councillors in Leeds.

Posted: 16 Dec 2005, 08:41
by Ballard
Haslemere is creating a local loyalty card scheme to promote local shops

?Haslemere and its surrounding villages enjoy a wide range of attractive and independent businesses, said Melanie Odell, Chairman of the Haslemere Initiative, ?The Haslemere Rewards scheme brings them together on a single high tech card. We feel the scope we are offering is unique because it allows participating businesses to operate their own rewards systems within the overall scheme!

Posted: 11 Feb 2006, 18:19
by Pixie
Harrogate is considering radically altering it's rubbish and recycling collection scheme because the price of black bin bags has risen rapidly to over ?80k pa because of the price of oil.

The proposed scheme is to give everyone:
a wheelie bin for non-recyclables which will be emptied fortnightly, not weekly
a bin for garden waste
a bin for recyclables
a box for glass
a bag for paper

so far the response in the local paper is horror that harrogates beautiful streets will be forever ruined by the unsightly wheelie bins!! (black bin bags being, of course, the height of civic taste)