Lord Beria3 wrote:http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/po ... 67726.html
"Betting on Jeremy Corbyn is following the same pattern seen for Donald Trump ahead of his upset win in the US presidential election.
Mr Trump was considered the outsider by bookmakers, but the majority of bets went his way. The same as is reportedly happening for Mr Corbyn."
Well, well, somewhat surprised nobody is prepared to put a wager on Corbyn winning the election.
Boys and men...
Sorry, Beria, but if anybody needs to grow up around here, it is you.
I don't bet at all - I think gambling is for losers. If I
did have to bet, I'd bet on a modest tory majority. That is my head talking. My intuition - my gut instinct - senses that something else might -
MIGHT - be going on here, and that we could wake up on June 9th to a hung parliament.
That Yougov model, which is being widely ridiculed, looks spot on to me. People are just looking at the headline figures rather than reading the small print. It is actually giving a very wide range of possible outcomes, with a slightly hung parliament as the central prediction. This doesn't reflect a poor model, but what is actually going on at this election - there are simply far too many novel, unknown factors in play. How will the UKIP vote split? How effective will Corbyn be in convincing LD and Green voters in English Tory-Labour marginals to switch to Labour when they usually vote otherwise? How effective will Corbyn be in getting youngsters and don't-usually-votes to the polling stations?
I simply don't know the answers to these questions, and neither do the pollsters, or anybody else, including you. I am personally quite happy, in these circumstances, to say "This is the toughest election to predict in my lifetime", and I don't particularly appreciate being labelled as immature because I'm not willing to put my money where my mouth
You, on the other hand, appear to be resorting to this "men or boys" thing in order to re-assure yourself. It we do wake up on June 9th to a hung parliament, you will be considerably more shocked and upset than I will be if we wake up to a tory majority of 80, that is for sure.
And just for the record, AGAIN,
absolutely nobody thinks Corbyn is going to "win" this election. The question is about whether or not the Tories lose their majority, not whether Labour gets more seats than the tories and certainly not about an overall Labour majority, which has been effectively impossible ever since the SNP took over Scotland. If you add Labour and SNP share of the vote together, they are already ahead of the Tories. If the SNP didn't exist, Labour would be ahead of the tories in the polls and the tories would only be thinking about a sneaky victory because the system is rigged in their favour.