Ralphw2 wrote: ↑29 Jul 2024, 22:43
When it comes to ideology which is denying objective reality there can be more than one relating to a given issue.
UE makes arguments that are not supported by scientific evidence, even the scientific evidence that was collected under social conventions that predate current "wokery" by many decades. His attitude towards gender is Victorian prudery writ large.
The definition of "prude" is "a person who is or claims to be easily shocked by matters relating to sex or nudity." Nothing I have said even remotely suggests I am easily shocked by that, or anything else for that matter. My objection to gender ideology is that it denies realism, and that doing this has extremely negative consequences in general.
Also, I do indeed sometimes make arguments not supported by science, but I never claim those arguments are supported by scientific evidence. Non-scientific arguments are fine, so long as they don't actually contradict science or claim to be science.
Additionally the historical evidence of human nature from cultures predating or uninfluenced by medieval Christian (or other monotheistic moralities) shows that gender and behavior are a broad spectrum, and similar behaviors have been observed in many mammalian species.
In the grand scheme of things it just is not that important.
I disagree, and it seems I need to explain why again. The term "gender" has no scientific meaning. If you don't agree with that claim, please do tell us what you think its scientific meaning is. Here is how this situation has progressed.
In English, until recently, the word "gender" referred only to grammatical constructions. Biological sex was always referred to as "sex", and there was no other relevant word. See:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender if you don't believe me.
Under the influence of Critical Theory in the 1970s it started to be used to refer to a malleable social construct, but it continued to be used to refer to biological sex also.
The confusion this created was deliberate. It was a design feature, not a bug. Sowing deliberate confusion is the modus operandi of Critical Theory, and that is the reason why I consistently express such a vitriolic hatred for it.
Fixing human society requires us to work hard to reduce the amount of confusion, not deliberately increasing it!
Now we have a situation where most of the public have no idea when to use the word "sex" and when to use the word "gender". This was done on the justification that the term "[biological] sex" was being used by dominant cultural powers to oppress a vulnerable group (transgender people). In other words, a political movement deliberately argued that an unambiguous scientific-physical term was oppressive, so intentionally replaced it with an ambiguous term which could be simultaneously used to refer to both biological sex and a vague social construct. They deliberately obscured the line between science and politics, and they justified it in terms of morality.
They succeeded. We now have a situation where I go to poultry-keeping facebook groups and see loads of people asking how to find out the "gender" of their young birds. And on a much more serious note, we have major public arguments about whether biological males should be allowed to compete in female sports or be held in female prisons.
My argument is that public discourse and education in modern western society has been seriously damaged by this and related forms of systemic anti-realism. This has absolutely nothing to do with Victorian prudery. I am not being small-minded and petty. I am trying to address serious problems in western society by identifying and fixing their root causes.
I know you aren't stupid, Ralph. You are perfectly capable of understanding what I just wrote, and going to check it for yourself to make sure I am correct.
Please do not misrepresent my argument again. This absolutely does matter. We live in a world where the public is bombarded with misinformation, and this is a perfect example.
Understand this: I cannot and will not back down. I can't, because this is the closest thing I have got to a religion. Unlike you, I don't think human lives are meaningless. I have deeply held views about what is right and wrong (based on critical thinking, not dogma), and I am committed to defending the truth from people who deliberately obscure it in all circumstances. And if that means I have to politically ally myself with various sorts of far right nutjobs then so be it. I am not the only one. The consequences of this full-frontal attack on reality is to drive reasonable centrists into the arms of the far right and it ultimately risks putting Farage in Downing Street.
We must deal with reality or it will deal with us.