What can we do to change the minds of decision makers and people in general to actually do something about preparing for the forthcoming economic/energy crises (the ones after this one!)?
I expect Martial Law. I also expect the forces will take advantage of their situation. We will be in a police state, but this national policy will soon have to become localized. Following a year or 2 of crazy Lawlessness and Chaos; which will result in to a major reduction of the population. Once this period is over then I think the survivors will live a more fulfilling life, one which doesn't revolve around Capitalism.
The Law will be whatever the Local Villages want it to be. I think it would be then enforced more by lynch groups, than by an individual establishment such as Police. I think the elders of these groups may be the ones to create the new laws.
Enjoy yourself with the time remaining, I've decided I'm going to.
I wouldn?t predict the future but I can see four scenarios, which are possible. If things go well, law enforcement would be much as it is now. If we have a recession, it probably wont change much either. Maybe in a depression it might edge towards becoming more fascist. If things were to go really bad and we see a collapse then you could see martial law imposed.
I think you have to look at law enforcement around the world, especially in poorer countries.
Because tax revenues will be down, it'll be harder to fund the police and other sections of the law.
We could see an increasing amount of decriminalisation. We could also see harsher sentences as a means of putting people off crime. Zero tolerance could become common. I'd expect living standards in prison to drop.
Perhaps more tagging. I'd suspect though that community service will become a bigger part of punishment for non-violent crimes. Using criminals as a cheap source of labour, I would not be surprised.
For those that can afford it, there will be an increase in private security and gated communities, and maybe for well organised communities there will be local policing by locals.
However, it could easily go the russian route where protection by criminal organisations becomes common. Probably more unlikely though.
Further down the line, I wouldn't be shocked to see the death sentence brought back.
Totally_Baffled wrote:What do my fellow peakers reckon policing will be like post peak?
Policemen will look younger, be smaller and even more encumbered with kit than they presently are. They will be even more inclined to shoot first and ask questions later. Do NOT make any sudden movements when boarding buses or underground trains.
2030. Metropolitan police officer demonstrates basic automatic weapon tecnique to two trainee primary school playground attendants.