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Cameron to view revived Severn barrage plan

Posted: 20 May 2012, 08:09
by Aurora
The Independent - 20/05/12

The Prime Minister is to be briefed on plans for a £30bn, 10-mile tidal barrage from Somerset to South Wales which could provide 5 per cent of Britain's total electricity.

David Cameron signalled his backing, telling MPs: "A huge amount of renewable energy could be delivered through a barrage of this kind."

Article continues ...

Posted: 20 May 2012, 09:15
by adam2
Was not this idea out nimbied last time it was proposed ?
Why should it be different this time.

I doubt that it will be built, though no doubt a billion or two could be spent on studies, assements, consulations, and nimbyfests, probably the conclusion will be reached that more research is needed.