Hemp batteries better than lithium?

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Hemp batteries better than lithium?

Post by UndercoverElephant »

Anyone know anything about this?

https://ukcsc.co.uk/earth-power-hemp-ba ... vYuD7Zywys
Henry Ford’s Model T was famously made partly from hemp bioplastic and powered by hemp biofuel. Now, with battery-powered vehicles starting to replace those that use combustion engines, it has been found that hemp batteries perform eight times better than lithium-ion. Is there anything that this criminally-underused plant can’t do?
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Re: Hemp batteries better than lithium?

Post by PS_RalphW »

The research seems to be using hemp fibres as a source of graphene like carbon to form part of a super capacitor. Other plant materials can also used.

Super capacitors and Li-ion batteries serve different functions, the former has far lower energy density. The article is clearly written by someone with very little understanding of chemistry or any science, and makes ridiculous speculation far beyond the scope of the original research.

Just another 'hemp is the saviour of humanity' article.
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