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Plan to save arctic sea ice.

Posted: 16 Mar 2024, 21:19
by adam2
By pumping water over the ice during cold weather, in order that it will freeze and therefore form a thicker and longer lasting ice layer.
The whitish ice will reflect heat from the sun, unlike dark sea water which absorbs heat and adds to the warming trend.

Re: Plan to save arctic sea ice.

Posted: 16 Mar 2024, 21:34
by clv101
"We're not here promoting this as the solution to climate change in the Arctic," Dr Fitzgerald stresses. :roll:


There's something comically pathetic about this photo - anyone think there's a petrol generator at the end of power cord? If it was a ~kW scale wind turbine SURELY it would have been included in the photo??

Re: Plan to save arctic sea ice.

Posted: 17 Mar 2024, 00:50
by adam2
I have no objection to the temporary use of a petrol generator for short term demonstration or experimental use.
Renewably generated electricity should be used for any large scale or long term installation of this nature.

Re: Plan to save arctic sea ice.

Posted: 17 Mar 2024, 12:47
by Ralphw2
As yet, I do not know any renewable energy source which could be practically and economically be supplied to the floating arctic sea ice.

This is a Cambridge University project. Unfortunately this level of greenwashing seems to permeate most of their green agenda.

Re: Plan to save arctic sea ice.

Posted: 17 Mar 2024, 13:55
by northernmonkey
This is laughable. I mean, we know this...right?

Re: Plan to save arctic sea ice.

Posted: 17 Mar 2024, 20:36
by clv101
northernmonkey wrote: 17 Mar 2024, 13:55 This is laughable. I mean, we know this...right?
Indeed, but it's keeping Dr Fitzgerald off the streets.

Re: Plan to save arctic sea ice.

Posted: 19 Mar 2024, 20:06
by BritDownUnder
From an engineering point of view it makes sense. Water placed on top of ice will freeze much faster than the water directly beneath a layer of ice. Indeed I recall a first year mechanical engineering exam question asking the student to predict how thick the ice layer will get in a given time. It needed some calculus and thermal resistance calculations that were beyond me.

According to Barrons, the little known country of Kyrgyzstan has been experimenting with making some artificial glaciers to stop droughts in summer but these are just made by damming small pools of water high in the mountains and don't require pumping.