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Peer reviewed papers
Posted: 28 Feb 2021, 19:05
by Lurkalot2
Sorry if this is a daft or impossible to answer question. Does anyone have a recommendation for links to peer reviewed papers on the climate and climate change? Is there any sort of "libary" or index of papers to view that anyone can read?
I ask simply because there seems to be far more scepticism with regards to changing climate on social media and other forums i use and it's always good to have evidence to fall back upon if necassary.
Re: Peer reviewed papers
Posted: 28 Feb 2021, 21:58
by clv101
The difficulty with peer reviewed papers is that many live behind pay walls.
Top Climate / Earth Science journals include:
Nature and Science are the top dogs, cover a much wider field but have included some of the key climate papers over the years.
More specifically focused: ... 1944-9208/ ... l/19448007
But to be honest, the IPCC ( reports provide a really excellent synthesis of the peer reviewed literature. It's the envy of most other scientific fields.
Re: Peer reviewed papers
Posted: 01 Mar 2021, 03:20
by kenneal - lagger
The Skeptical Science website is a good source of information as it addresses many of the questions directly and also gives references. Desmogblog is another good one.
Re: Peer reviewed papers
Posted: 01 Mar 2021, 18:15
by Lurkalot2
Thanks both , there look to be some decent stuff there to go through. I don't suppose it will change the minds of those that consider it all a conspiracy at best and BS at worst and prefer to get their "information" from youtube but hopefully some may consider the articles.