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Politics and climate change - interesting.

Posted: 11 Oct 2019, 16:33
by eatyourveg
Well the Tory mindset is (in general) fully on show here. Frankly though, if any MP isn't to the far right of this graph then well, how much respect do they deserve? And Woodburner, don't bother with this thread you tiresome oik. ... ate-action

Posted: 11 Oct 2019, 18:24
by kenneal - lagger
One of the reasons that MPs, of all parties, don't act strongly on climate change is that very little, or in some cases none, of their postbag/email inbox concerns climate change or the environment. I keep banging on about this whenever I get the chance but you can see it going straight over peoples heads. Even on this forum and amongst my friends on Facebook it doesn't get any interest.

It only takes a few minutes to bang off and email to an MP but people will spend hours on fora like Facebook complaining that their MP is useless or that the government does nothing. People with environmental concerns are a bunch of lazy good for nothings as far as I'm concerned because they can't be arsed to spend half an hour a week engaging directly with their MP. Because of that we have a bunch of MPs who are quite content to do nothing on the environment because their constituents aren't interested enough to badger them on it.

Rant over.

Posted: 11 Oct 2019, 18:30
by eatyourveg
I think you are correct Ken. Unfortunately. I have an FB page for my business, which is a pretty eco one. Post about some trivial f.....g nonsense and up go the likes.
I posted this same link to FB 2 hours ago. It has garnered from 412 reached 35 engagements, 3 shares and 9 likes. It's pathetic.

(Edit - and one positive comment).